8 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

8 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on the corner of a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

8 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on the corner of a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

8 June 2007
The apartment on the left is decorated with a rusty dutch bike and the one on the right has a stringed instrument.
In antwerp, Belgium.

8 June 2007
The former spot of a Virgin Mary perched on the corner of a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

8 June 2007
An ill-maintained building facade in Antwerp, Belgium

8 June 2007
This building features a stone bull-head. Perhaps it's the pagan answer to the Virgin Mary?
In Antwerp, Belgium

8 June 2007
A building decorated with an image of Karl Marx and other prominent leftist political leaders.
In antwerp, Belgium

8 June 2007
The Holy Family perched on a building. Virgin Mary statue placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

8 June 2007
This castle-like building was along the river in Antwerp.

8 June 2007
This castle-like building was along the river in Antwerp.

8 June 2007
This castle-like building was along the river in Antwerp.

8 June 2007
A crucifix at a castle-like building along the river in Antwerp.

8 June 2007
This castle-like building was along the river in Antwerp.

8 June 2007
A view of the Antwerp Cathedral from the river.

9 June 2007
Town monument

9 June 2007
This town, near Antwerp, also had corner virgins.

9 June 2007
Nicole prepares to photograph the odd town monument.

9 June 2007
A chapel dedicated to the virgin Mary

9 June 2007
The chapel had a small statue of the virgin over the doorway.

9 June 2007
The outside of the chapel had little scenes, arranged like the stations of the cross, but instead dealing with events in Jesus' life that involved Mary.
They start with a scene where Mary presented Jesus at the temple for whatever rituals were normal for male infants at the time. A blind cleric named Simon had a flash on insight and recognized the baby Jesus as the messiah.
"De voorzegging van Simeon."
My elementary school was named for Saint Simon. There is also a Saint Simon who is the patron of buisiness (shown in modern icons sitting with a bag of money on his lap, holding a shotgun (at least on a holy candle I saw once)). I don't know if it is the same St Simon or a different one.
Anyway, this picture was taken in Belgium, south of Antwerp

9 June 2007
The outside of the chapel had little scenes, arranged like the stations of the cross, but instead dealing with events in Jesus' life that involved Mary.
The second deals with the holy family (Jesus, Mary and Joseph) running to Egypt. They fled because of King Harrod. One of his prophets told him that a great king was just born. Misunderstanding the spiritual rather than political nature of the coming kingship, he became alarmed about being displaced. Therefore, he ordered that all baby boys under the age of two be killed. Fortunately, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to go hide out in Egypt for a while.
There is no historical record of a mass slaughter of infants, thank goodness. However, there is symbolic import in creating a connection to Moses. As you may recall, he caused the Jews to be freed from slavery in Egypt. This was accomplished through God taking a bunch of hostile actions against Egyptians, including, finally, killing male children. the Jewish homes were spared - passed over. There is also no historical record of this event, however, this is the origin of Passover.
The infant Jesus thus returns to Egypt to flee a slaughter of male children.
"De vlucht naar Egypte"

9 June 2007
The outside of the chapel had little scenes, arranged like the stations of the cross, but instead dealing with events in Jesus' life that involved Mary.
This one deals with the only biblical story about Jesus' childhood. The Holy family went on a pilgramage. The pilgrims split up by sex, so the women and men were walking separately. Jesus was young enough that he could have gone with either group, so his parents both assumed he must be with the other. When they met up, though, Jesus was missing! Alarmed, they went back to the temple looking for him. they found him teaching there. His understanding of scripture was so great that the clerics there were asking him to explain things. His parents, however, were pissed. Jesus reminded them that he was the son of God and all and would need to go do such things. His parents told him to wait until he was older. so he did, not to do anything else miraculous until the wedding feast at Canan, where he turned water into wine at his mother's request. That scene, alas, was not on the church.
"Verlies van Jesus in den tempel."

9 June 2007
The outside of the chapel had little scenes, arranged like the stations of the cross, but instead dealing with events in Jesus' life that involved Mary.
This one actually IS a station of the cross. While Jesus was carrying the cross to his death, his mother came to meet him.
"Maria ontmoet haren zoon"

9 June 2007
The outside of the chapel had little scenes, arranged like the stations of the cross, but instead dealing with events in Jesus' life that involved Mary.
This one is also actually a station of the cross, but the title "Mary under the cross" is not the name of a station, which is usually titled "Jesus is crucified"
When Jesus was crucified, there were some friends and relations standing around under the cross while he died. Mary was among them.
"Maria onder het kruis"

9 June 2007
The outside of the chapel had little scenes, arranged like the stations of the cross, but instead dealing with events in Jesus' life that involved Mary.
This one is a station, normally titled "Jesus is taken down from the cross" which describes how Mary held his corpse. Here it's titled for that moment.
"Jesus op den schoot zynder moeder"

9 June 2007
The outside of the chapel had little scenes, arranged like the stations of the cross, but instead dealing with events in Jesus' life that involved Mary.
This last one is also a station of the cross with an alternate title. Normally, it's called "Jesus is laid in the tomb." Here, however, it's named for Mary's presence at that event.
"Maria by de Graflegging"

9 June 2007
The scene of Mary below the cross was under a crucifix. All the scenes outside this church were protected by glass.
This exterior wall was designed to also serve as the back for an altar. There were benches arranged around it, so that religious celebrations could happen outside.
In Belgium

9 June 2007
I didn't want to be rude or disrespectful, so I didn't walk up to the altar to take closer pictures, although I really wanted to.
It is extremely kitschy. There's a statue of Mary surrounded by Christmas mights. In the arch around her are a bunch of bizarre shields which seem to be political symbols of some kind. the whole altar is just crammed with stuff.

9 June 2007
The walls of the chapel had many, many images of Mary