4 June 2007
For an example of the Breda cloister gazing ball in action, note how that wheel barrow is completely unable to take Nicole by surprise.

4 June 2007
The Cloister garden in Breda

4 June 2007
The Cloister garden in Breda.
The cloister is nto currently filled with nuns anymore, but I know what you're thinking and I agree. A nun in full habit on that motorcycle would, indeed, be the most awesome thing ever.

4 June 2007

4 June 2007
Ok, remember that photo I posted of Nicole in front of the Breda castle? And, well, it was no chateau, right? This awesomeness is NOT a castle. It's a jail. A current jail. With prisoners in it.

4 June 2007
Nicole relaxes on a bench with Xena hanging out underneath. Near Breda.
At this handy beach, there was a turn for our bike route. But we didn't know that. We were completely lost.
Because some jerk had put tape over the sign, so you couldn't tell it was our bike route. This sort of stupid, malicious vandalaism of bike route signs is common around Breda.

4 June 2007
Xena napping under Cola's feet. Near Breda.

4 June 2007
Xena napping under Cola's feet. Near Breda.

4 June 2007
Somewhere around the border region (I'm not sure where. We made a wrong turn and went to Belgium), there was a kangaroo farm!!

4 June 2007
Somewhere around the border region (I'm not sure where. We made a wrong turn and went to Belgium), there was a kangaroo farm!!
Actually, more of a zoo. The owner of this had all sorts of non-native animals.

4 June 2007
Somewhere around the border region (I'm not sure where. We made a wrong turn and went to Belgium), there was a kangaroo farm!!

4 June 2007
Somewhere around the border region (I'm not sure where. We made a wrong turn and went to Belgium), there was a kangaroo farm!!

4 June 2007
What? We're in Belgium? Oh no!

4 June 2007
A shrine to the Virgin Mary.
There is a network of several signs around the border region, between the Netherlands and Belgium. Every May, folks make a pilgramage, visitting all of them.

5 June 2007
A shrine to the Virgin Mary.
There is a network of several signs around the border region, between the Netherlands and Belgium. Every May, folks make a pilgramage, visitting all of them.

5 June 2007
A memorial statue near the border of the Netherlands and Belgium. The ststaue features a child crying as it's mother collapses and has the dates 1940-1945.

5 June 2007
"In het bosch aan den rand / Bid tot O.L. Vrouw in t'Zand"
A shrine to the Virgin Mary.
There is a network of several signs around the border region, between the Netherlands and Belgium. Every May, folks make a pilgramage, visitting all of them.

5 June 2007
"In het bosch aan den rand / Bid tot O.L. Vrouw in t'Zand"
A shrine to the Virgin Mary.
There is a network of several signs around the border region, between the Netherlands and Belgium. Every May, folks make a pilgramage, visitting all of them.

5 June 2007
A church near the border of the Netherlands and Belgium

5 June 2007
Strawberry automat!
You put in a euro and get out a basket of refrigerated, fresh, ripe strawberries. Best thing ever!
Cola is digging for change.

5 June 2007
Ok, so I fell off my bike and had to get my chin stiched up. Here I am afterwards, getting back on my bike.

5 June 2007
On the left, you see scrapes where I ran into a pole (ok, yeah it was stupid, but sho just puts a pole in the middle of the road) and on the left you see MY BLOOD!!! (ew)

5 June 2007
MY BLOOD!!!!!!

5 June 2007
Aren't cell phone cameras great? For example, they can allow me to take a picture of my chin as it bleeds everywhere.
I took one without the baindaid, but (much to your relief, I'm sure), it came out too blurry.

5 June 2007
But see, there I am all stiched up and ready to go on.
The times on these are kind of screwed up, as you've probably guessed as they're out of order, but this one is definitely later than the last one of my post-stiches. My face is more swollen and it's started bleeding again. (ew) I don't know why they gave it so few stiches. It certainly didn't keep it from bleeding constantly over the next couple of days.

5 June 2007
To the left we have (I think) the Virgin Mary. To her right, Jesus. Centrally, the virgin Mary. To her right, I can't tell, alas. And rightmost is St. Theresa.
I should have lit a candle thanking them that I hit only my chin and not my fool head.
A roadside shrine in the Netherlands or Belgium.

5 June 2007
A cross against the sky
At a religious sign near the border between Belgium and the Netherlands

5 June 2007
Yet another shine to the BVM. The cult of the Virgin Mary is alive and well in the border region between Belgium and the Netherlands.

5 June 2007
A statue of Jesus in the town square. I think this is in essen, Belgium, but I'm not sure, it could be in the Netherlands.

5 June 2007
"Gordon bleu" on a Belgian menu.
I took this picture for Sarah Dotie.