8 June 2007
This lion, resting on a shield with the Virgin Mary, was on the end of a pew in the Cathedral in Antwerp.

8 June 2007
The pulpit in the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
The cathedral in Antwerp has two pipe organs. This is the one in the rear.

8 June 2007
An altar in the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
The cathedral in Antwerp has two pipe organs. This one is the newer one. It's degined to play Bach and is farther forward in the church (which doesn't make sense, shouldn't it be in the bach? ha ha ha. sorry)

8 June 2007
An altar in the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
Priest's eye view
This is the view from the main altar in the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
Cathedrals have seating near the front for holy folks like priests, altar boys, a choir, etc. (Traditionally all male.) I forget what this special seating is called.
Altar-side seats in the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
Cathedrals have seating near the front for holy folks like priests, altar boys, a choir, etc. (Traditionally all male.) I forget what this special seating is called.
Altar-side seats in the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
An altar in the cathedral in Antwerp
Note the snake at the bottom of the crucifix

8 June 2007
A person held in jail in the Cathedral in Antwerp.
No, don't be silly! A grave.

8 June 2007
An altar in the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
There were allegorical statues carved in the sides of confessionals in the cathedral in Antwerp.
This woman weeps for your sins.

8 June 2007
An altar in the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
Missing Mary!
The angels are all ready with the crown, but the statue of Mary seems to be missing.
In the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
This is the most life-like of all the Mary statues in the cathedral in Antwerp. Nobody in silly clothes or with royal symbols, just an infant reaching for his young mother.

8 June 2007
An altar in the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
There were allegorical statues carved in the sides of confessionals in the cathedral in Antwerp.
This detail is a woman holding a cup with a snake head peeking out of it.
If I had to guess, I'd say the snake was a symbol of Original Sin and the Garden of Eden. The cup would represent Christ's sacrifice. Taken together, it shows that Jesus redeemed the world. But the placement is weird. Why is the snake IN the cup??

8 June 2007
There were allegorical statues carved in the sides of confessionals in the cathedral in Antwerp.
This woman is holding a cup with a snake head peeking out of it.

8 June 2007
There were allegorical statues carved in the sides of confessionals in the cathedral in Antwerp.
A close up featuring the serpent's head.

8 June 2007
An altar in the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
A bar very near the Antwerp Cathedral was full of saint images and statues. These two statues are of Joan of Arc.

8 June 2007
A bar very near the Antwerp Cathedral was full of saint images and statues. This one is clearly of Joan of Arc, as evidenced by the armor, fleur de lyses and banner.

8 June 2007
A bar very near the Antwerp Cathedral was full of saint images and statues. This one is clearly of Joan of Arc, as evidenced by the armor, fleur de lyses and banner which says "Jesus Maria". The axe is an artistic flourish, as is the helmet and overly-long hair.

8 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on the corner of a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
This bar was very near the cathedral.
In Antwerp

8 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on the corner of a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

8 June 2007
Ironwork around the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

8 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on the corner of a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In this case, though, she's lurking on a church, so one assumes her purposes are primarily devotional, since churches probably already qualified for the tax exemption.
In Antwerp

8 June 2007
A brick church in antwerp, Belgium