7 June 2007
A pretty building in Antwerp

7 June 2007
the Grote Markt in Antwerp

7 June 2007
the Grote Markt in Antwerp

7 June 2007
the Grote Markt in Antwerp

7 June 2007
the Grote Markt in Antwerp

7 June 2007
the Grote Markt in Antwerp

7 June 2007
the Grote Markt in Antwerp

7 June 2007
the Stadthuis in the Grote Markt in Antwerp

7 June 2007
the Grote Markt in Antwerp

7 June 2007
the Grote Markt in Antwerp

7 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on the corner of a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

7 June 2007
The cathedral tower behind the buildings of the Grote Markt in Antwerp

7 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on the corner of a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

7 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on the corner of a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

7 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on the corner of a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

7 June 2007
The cathedral in Antwerp

7 June 2007
Petro Paulo Rubens stands near the cathedral in Antwerp

7 June 2007
Antwerp Hilton (Paris' little-known younger brother . . . or this hotel)

7 June 2007
Statue attached to the exterior of the Antwerp cathderal

7 June 2007
The Antwerp cathedral

7 June 2007
The male busker here is playing a stroh violin with a trumpet bell coming out of it. The violin has no resonating wooden body, just the trumpet. I'm too lazy to look this up right now, but I recall that the invention of this kind of violin was related to early recording technology. This violin is pretty loud, but is directional and packs small. Timbrally, it sounds like a cross between a violin and a brass instrument. There were actually multiple buskers around playing this kind of violin.

7 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on the corner of a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

7 June 2007
A monument to crucified Jesus in Antwerp

7 June 2007
The Virgin Mary perched on the corner of a building. Her placement used to be cause for a tax break.
In Antwerp

7 June 2007
The cathedral tower looms behind a building with the Virgin Mary stuck to it.
In Antwerp

8 June 2007
The interior of the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
Saint statue, showing some leg
The interior of the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
Stained glass window
The interior of the cathedral in Antwerp

8 June 2007
I don't know what's going on with this statue, but I suspect that this saint is jabbing a jew in the head with his staff. The nefarios Jew is trying to steal communion wafers, which, once consecrated, are actually the body of Jesus. Why would he want to do such a thing? Because Jews crucified Jesus and therfore must hate him, right? Yeah.
In Antwerp

8 June 2007
An altar in the cathedral in Antwerp