11 June 2007
We left town in search of a camp site. Nicole was becoming concerned by the late hour.
This view was very exciting to me when I took this picture. Look at the landscape! It's got hills!
South of Leuven, Belgium

12 June 2007
A castle near Brussels, Belgium

12 June 2007
A castle near Brussels, Belgium

13 June 2007
Stitches in my chin from having wiped out on my bike.
Home in Den Haag, Holland

13 June 2007
Yo, Dutch folks, chocolate is poison to dogs!!

13 June 2007
Stiches freshly out of my chin. Much less itchy.

13 June 2007
The sun setting over the North Sea in The Hague

13 June 2007
The sun setting over the North Sea in The Hague

13 June 2007
A drunked beach party with fellow Sonologists.

16 June 2007
Marlies and Nick exchange a water bottle before we set out in canoes.

16 June 2007
Marlies and Nick exchange a water bottle before we set out in canoes.

16 June 2007
We were walking around Rotterdam and there was this crazy sculpture.
Dave and Marlies at right. Xena in the foreground.
The Netherlands

16 June 2007
We were walking around Rotterdam and there was this crazy sculpture.
Nick at back left.
The Netherlands

16 June 2007
We were walking around Rotterdam and there was this crazy sculpture.
It was really detailed.
The Netherlands

16 June 2007
We were walking around Rotterdam and there was this crazy sculpture.
It was really detailed.
The Netherlands

16 June 2007
We were walking around Rotterdam and there was this crazy sculpture.
It was really detailed and had a tiny metal snail.
The Netherlands

16 June 2007
"Ode ann Marten Toonder"
We were walking around Rotterdam and there was this crazy sculpture.
It was really detailed.
The Netherlands

16 June 2007
Rotterdam has some exciting architecture.
The Netherlands

18 June 2007
Nicole is actually standing on one foot in this photo, and not flying, alas.
In our apartment in The Hague

19 June 2007
The Grote Kerk in The Hague, the Netherlands

19 June 2007
Nicole painted her toenails and put on her fancy 'berks

19 June 2007
Andrew, with blonde hair, in a cafe in The Hague, Netherlands

19 June 2007
Xena sleeping on a cafe floor in The Hague, the Netherlands

19 June 2007
Xena sleeping on a cafe floor in The Hague, the Netherlands

20 June 2007
"Jong en dement en weer geen cent"
This banner is protesting the lack of government support for sufferers of early-onset alzheimers and related diseases in younger people.
People under 65 with these diseases got no government help at all.
In The Plein in The Hage in The Netherlands.

20 June 2007
"Jong en dement en weer geen cent"
These people are protesting the lack of government support for sufferers of early-onset alzheimers and related diseases in younger people.
People under 65 with these diseases got no government help at all.
In The Plein in The Hage in The Netherlands.

20 June 2007
"Géén Poen? jong dement . . . an niets meer te doen"
This banner is protesting the lack of government support for sufferers of early-onset alzheimers and related diseases in younger people.
People under 65 with these diseases got no government help at all.
In The Plein in The Hage in The Netherlands.

20 June 2007
"Jong dementerenden, dubbel gepakt? Is dan Tóch het enige wat geldt HET GELD?"
This banner is protesting the lack of government support for sufferers of early-onset alzheimers and related diseases in younger people.
People under 65 with these diseases got no government help at all.
In The Plein in The Hage in The Netherlands.

20 June 2007
"Weer geen EXTRA cent voor jong Dement"
This banner is protesting the lack of government support for sufferers of early-onset alzheimers and related diseases in younger people.
People under 65 with these diseases got no government help at all.
In The Plein in The Hage in The Netherlands.

20 June 2007
The stadhuis in Den Haag, Netherlands