11 June 2007
Here, we have a guy in a cave listening to a rooster. I cannot remember who it is in the cave or why.
A detail of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
This bird is a detail of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
This snake has an unsusual head - it's clearly meant to be Satan, imo. It is a detail of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
Directly over the priest, there's a dove - a symbol of the holy spirit descending upon hm. Next to him is the crucified Christ.
A detail of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
This odd-looking squirrel is a detail of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
A life-size St. Norbert is struck from his horse.
A detail of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
A life-size St. Norbert is struck from his horse.
A detail of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
A life-size St. Norbert is struck from his horse.
A detail of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
This cherub is zapping lightening bolts at poor, struck-from-his-horse St. Norbert.
A detail of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
Cherubs lounge under the palm trees.
A detail of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
This snake is a detail of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
A life-size St. Norbert is struck from his horse. The horse is so detailed, they actually carved on, not only veins on his face, but his butthole, pictured here.
A detail of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
St. Rita is the patron saint of lost or impossible causes. And also of baseball.
The thing stuck in her head is a thorn from the crown of thorns, which detached from the crown and stuck in her head when she joined the convent. You can see her here with the crown of thorns draped around one of her arms. More information about Rita can be found on the internet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Rita
This statue is in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
The back side of the pulpit in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
Reliquaries in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium
I don't know whose relics these held. I do want to point out that the central figure in the silver relic is a person and that in this photo his head seems to fade into the bricks, but in real life, it didn't quite look like this.

11 June 2007
A monument in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium
Death seems to be reclining on top of the monument.

11 June 2007
Standing in the church looking forward, you see the alatr directly ahead and the puplit on the right.
In Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
They had some bells on display, but I don't recall why. This one is dated 1957
In Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
They had some bells on display, but I don't recall why. This one is dated 1954 and says "Astrid" on it.
In Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
Mary holds the infant Jesus. She's stepping on a snake with an apple in it's mouth.
In Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
The pulpit amongst the seats.
In Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
Some of the marble carvings were ornate. This one had a hat carved in it. I think it is meant to symbolize a profession, but I don't know which one.
In Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
Some of the marble carvings were ornate. This one had a scale carved in it, probably referencing law or lawyers.
In Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
Some of the marble carvings were ornate. This one had a mortar and pestle carved in it, probably referencing medecine, doctors or pharmacists.
In Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
Another view of the flamboyant pulpit amongst the seats.
In Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
I think this is St. Anthony because of his brown robes and holding a child.
In Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
A reliquary in a side chapel in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
A monument with two men approaching a statue of the Virgin Mary in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
The crucifix over the main altar in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium

11 June 2007
The archways over the main altar in Sint-Pieterskerk of Leuven, Belgium