6 June 2007
A tiny statue of the Virgin Mary in a little roadside shrine.

6 June 2007
Wow, a big sign that says "Belgium"! We biked all the way here!

6 June 2007
This sign for the Netherlands lists speed limits using different icons. On city streets, you can't go faster than 50 km/h. Small roads outside of cities, you can go 80. On larger roads, you can go up to 100. On the big (inter)national highways, you can go up to 120.
If you look closely, you'll notice that their icon of an urban skyline includes a windmill.

6 June 2007
Roadside Jesus in Belgium.

6 June 2007
A shrine to the blessed Virgin Mary. In Belgium.

6 June 2007
My attempt to photograph the inside of a small chapel was fraught with accidental reflections - in the window and in the glass protecting the altar. Then Cola had the brilliant idea of actually, you know, opening the door.

6 June 2007
The Virgin Mary is standing on a snake and on a globe, where France has been labelled. I saw this statue in Flanders, the Flemish part of Belgium. The Vlaamse and the Francophones don't like each other much, normally, so I was confused as to what this might represent. Fortunately, a Google search turned up some answers: http://www.perillos.com/ruedubac.html
Briefly: a nun had a vision where the BVM told her to have medals cast with this image and warned that France was in horrible trouble!! Their monarchy was about to be overturned!! Oh noes, no more king!
Ok, so the terror sucked and Napolean wasn't so great, but the Republic has been a good thing for quite a while and getting rid of the royalty was obviously a smart move for the French and the long term effects are all good. But, alas, God is really a reactionary asshole. The last time he got involved in French politics (with Joan of Arc), he was also against progressive stuff and infavor of despotic rule. Alas, either God sucks, or he doesn't like the French.
The snake probably also represents the one in the Garden of Eden and is thus representative of sin. Also, snakes have certain, um, sexual connotations and Mary was a Virgin through her whole marriage, so it makes sense she's standing on it. I feel bad for Joseph. Not only is he a cuckload, he NEVER gets any marital action.

6 June 2007
Belgium is not man-made and so the wild bits actually look wild. And pretty.

6 June 2007
Belgium is not man-made and so the wild bits actually look wild. And pretty.

6 June 2007
Nicole waters Xena

6 June 2007
Belgium is not man-made and so the wild bits actually look wild. And pretty.

6 June 2007
Belgium is not man-made and so the wild bits actually look wild. And pretty.

6 June 2007
Xena likes to run in Belgium

6 June 2007
Belgium is not man-made and so the wild bits actually look wild. And pretty.

6 June 2007
A statue of St Rita. In front of a church in Belgium. St Rita is the patron saint of meter maids.
Just kidding. Sheesh. St Micheal gets cops and thus meter maids. St Rita, however, is the patron of hopeless causes, like trying to talk your way out of a ticket through song-writing. She's also known as Margarita, which, cooincidentally, is also the name for another solution to life's lost causes. more: http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintr01.htm

6 June 2007
I was young and naive on my trip and so was quite shocked when I realized that several European countries didn't have the idea of a secular government. This is a picture of an electrical building thingee with a chapel attached. I was shocked (ignore the pun) that Belgians would spend public money on religious stuff.

6 June 2007
Our Lady of High Voltage Transofrmers

6 June 2007
I strongly suspect this to be the gate of a castle.
In Belgium

6 June 2007
I strongly suspect this to be the gate of a castle.
In Belgium

6 June 2007
Restoring a mansion in Belgium

6 June 2007
This building was surrounded by woods.
Nicole is pulling out her camera to take a picture.
In the North of Belgium

6 June 2007
Xena sniffs the Belgian woods

6 June 2007
A shrine to the Virgin Mary in Belgium

6 June 2007
The shrine to the Virgin Mary is behind an electric fence.
In Belgium

6 June 2007
A tower outside a castle on the outkirts of Antwerp

6 June 2007
A touristy restaurant next to a castle on the outskirts of Antwerp.
Thats my doggy ride, there.

6 June 2007
A castle on the outkirts of Antwerp

6 June 2007
A castle on the outkirts of Antwerp

6 June 2007
We biked all the way to Antwerp!

7 June 2007
A pretty building in Antwerp