10 June 2007
A side altar in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
A large reliquary in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
I can't tell if this is a reliquary or a tabernacle. In any case, they're closely related. A reliquary is a storage place for a relic - a piece of a dead saint. A tabernacle is a storage place for concecrated hosts - pieces of jesus. Their evolution and the adoration of relics and the adoration of the eucharist (a piece of jesus) is closely linked.
This is in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
A large reliquary in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
A large reliquary in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
Two reliquaries in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
A large reliquary in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
A reliquary in the Mechelen cathedral. The reliquary appears to hold somebody's hand or forarm, or perhaps both. I would guess that it's most likely the hand or a piece of the hand.

10 June 2007
Organ pipes in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
Organ pipes in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
The organ manual in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
The altar in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
There was a bishop buried inside the cathedral who had this monument.
I find that his grip on the crucifix is amusing, but recognize that this is immature.
In the cathedral in Mechelen, Belgium

10 June 2007
A stained glass window over an altar in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
A stained glass window in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
A stained glass window in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
A monument in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
A confessional in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
A statue of a saint in the Mechelen cathedral.
I don't know who the saint is, but he's got an angel kneeling next to him and is feeding a sausage to a dog or a wolf. On closer inspection, the sausage, looks like, um, not a sausage exactly, but um. Wow.

10 June 2007
A statue of a tortured Jesus in the Mechelen cathedral.

10 June 2007
A altar to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Mechelen cathedral.
The woman was trying to teach her youngest child how to kneel and pray. At some point, the assistance of the older child was required to get the younger one into the correct position.

10 June 2007
A altar to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Mechelen cathedral.
The woman was trying to teach her youngest child how to kneel and pray. The older child is demonstrating how you should hold your arms while praying.

10 June 2007
A woman and two children pray in the cathedral in Mechelen, Belgium

10 June 2007
The interior of the cathedral in Mechelen, Belgium was full of statues.

10 June 2007
The interior of the cathedral in Mechelen, Belgium was full of statues.

10 June 2007
The interior of the cathedral in Mechelen, Belgium was full of statues. That thing on the right is the pupit.

10 June 2007
The interior of the cathedral in Mechelen, Belgium was full of statues.
In the middle is St Thadaeus, who IIRC, was crucified upseide down. This was at his own request because he thought he was unworthy to die in the same manner as Jesus.

10 June 2007
Rear organ pipes in the cathedral in Mechelen, Belgium.

10 June 2007
This is a detail of the pulpit in the cathedral in Mechelen, Belgium.
The scene is the conversion of St Norbert. This conversion involved him falling off of his horse.

10 June 2007
This is a detail of the pulpit in the cathedral in Mechelen, Belgium.
I don't know if the women are the women below the cross or if they are unrelated to the crucifix.