July 2004

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21 July 2004 West Berkeley side walk date (5th street) no 2. "07" Part of my street's sidewalk is 97 years old.
21 July 2004 The fuel filter seperates water from fuel, used in vormax vegetable oil systems. If you modify your diesel car in the right way (with this filter) you can pull your car up to the grease trap of any restaurant and siphon the grease directly into a fuel tank and run your engine off of it without any preperation. For unmodified diesel cars, you have to first filter the vegetable oil and then put it through a brewing process to create biodiesel. The filter is sitting on top of my gate thingee
21 July 2004 This picture looks cool to me.
22 July 2004 I love the Berkeley Bowl
22 July 2004 You give me fever... Grafitti by the berkeley bowl
22 July 2004 Commie Grafitti by the Berkeley Bowl
23 July 2004 I was driving in the Central Valley of California. This is where the food comes from. It's super flat and has lots of air pollution.
23 July 2004 I was driving in the Central Valley of California. This is where the food comes from. It's super flat and has lots of air pollution.
23 July 2004 I was driving in the Central Valley of California. This is where the food comes from. It's super flat and has lots of air pollution.
25 July 2004 Biblical haxxor on the back of a pickup in the central valley
28 July 2004 Nicole pours herself a cup of coffee out of my large french press
30 July 2004 Behind CNMAT at UC Berkeley (1750 Arch Street) is an abandoned, decaying tennis court
31 July 2004 This luxury car driver wants to boycott France. Perhaps the driver is just up to "mzchif." Or, s/he could be an idiot.
31 July 2004 Did you know that strawberries are the most popular fruit in the world? It says it on Nicole's little bowl, so it must be true. We purchased the berries that morning at the Lake Merrit Farmer's Market


Copyright 2004 Celeste Hutchins
log: celesteh.blogspot.com
professional: www.berkeleynoise.com/celesteh
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