17 December 2005
The flag flies over a vineyard
17 December 2005
The entrance to the tasting room of a vineyard within the Southern appellation.
17 December 2005
Cola took a picture of T and I tasting a sweet white wine. It was tasty.
17 December 2005
Cola and T at a vineyard
17 December 2005
Aging Bordeaux
17 December 2005
Joan of Arc outside a Bordeaux vineyard
17 December 2005
Joan of Arc outside a Bordeaux vineyard
17 December 2005
A flashmob of Santas on rollerblades in Bordeaux. More of them kept arriving.
18 December 2005
An angel bears a fallen warrior heavenward.
However, it's nit nippy here on earth, so some kind (non-fallen) soul has helpfully lent the angel a scarf.
18 December 2005
Cola waits for a tram in Bordeaux.
18 December 2005
Bordeaux has something like 2000 heads over doorways like this. No two are alike.
18 December 2005
Cola waiting happily for a tram in Bordeaux
19 decembre 2005
Une grande roue à la place de la Concoorde
There was a ferris wheel at the Place de la Concorde
19 decembre 2005
Une grande roue à la place de la Concoorde
There was a ferris wheel at the Place de la Concorde.
The ferris wheel is named after George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr., who designed a 75-meter (250-foot) wheel for the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois in 1893. It was designed as a rival to the Eiffel Tower, the centerpiece of the 1889 Paris exhibition. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferris_wheel
19 December 2005
Nicole waits in line for la grande roue.
19 December 2005
Hey, I can see the Louvre from up here!
View from the ferris wheel at the Place de la Concorde.
19 decembre 2005
À pres de la grande roule, on vendait de la barbe à papa.
Near the ferris wheel, there was cotton candy for sale.
19 December 2005
One of the city's museums has just been refurbished, including the shiny gates.
19 December 2005
A nymph talks on her cell phone at the Pont Alexander III. Ok, that's a sea shell.
19 December 2005
Cola and Nick at the Hôtel des Invalides
20 December 2005
Cola et notre sapin de Noël
Cola and our christmas tree
20 December 2005
French Christmas lights do not come in a line, but rather a circle. I've read that the point is not to lasso the tree. My god, this is the worst, most tangle-prone light design I've ever encountered.
Dear France, please just copy the American version.
20 December 2005
Cola and an ornament
20 December 2005
Cola decorates the tree.
20 December 2005
What a lovely tree. The lights are on. They blink. Apparently, "clignotantes" means "blinking." oh well.
20 December 2005
It's much nicer when the lights are on. How can I defeat the blinking without a soldering iron?
21 December 2005
"Notre Orifice Est Lesbien" (Noel)
"Our orifices are lesbian (Christmas)
The war on Christmas continues in Paris.
23 December 2005
Nicole waves a left-handed ladle in triumph
23 December 2005
Tree with presents underneath.
24 December 2005
My stairwell