Moo Topics
To get help on any moo thing, just type "help [moo thing]" and it should give you some useful information. Busses There are two busses on the moo, one is Residential Circut #5 and the other is the Commuter Shuttle. To get on the bus, type "enter bus" for the residential bus and "enter shuttle" for the shuttle. To get off either bus, type "exit here" at your stop. When the bus arrives at a stop, It says, "Now arriving at: [name of stop]." When it says this, it is stopped and you can get off. When it starts moving again, it says, "Next Stop: [name of the next stop]." The Residential Circut stops at: Wetmore Gate (Mills College), Morse Street (Oakland), Grand Avenue (Oakland), Berkeley-- 5th Street, Richards Gate (Mills College), and MacArthur Blvd-- North (Oakland Laurel District) The Commuter Shuttle stops at: Embarcadero Rd (Palo Alto/Mountain View border), Redwood Shores Parkway (Redwood Shores), and Richards Gate (Mills College) Top Back
[Public] NerfSlosh: hello
[Public] NerfSlosh waives
Alias Channel Names On Active pub Public 4 <on> mon Monitor 4 <on>
[Public] People on channel: ResourceXi, NerfSlosh, and Tifanjo
Adding you to channel 'test'...
[test] NerfSlosh has left this channel. te on
Adding you to channel 'test'.
[test] NerfSlosh has left this channel. Top Back
Grand Lake Theatre
You can cause the movie to change by mkaing changes to forum story node. To do that, you can either teleport to the forum room (#171) like you got to the move theatre, or you can access story node via it's object number (#224). Theorectically, story node contains an in-progress story that people can add to by posting a little bit more to it. To read it, type "read story node" if you are in the room it's in, or "read #224" if you are not. To post to it, type 'post "[my story section]" to story node' (don't use those single quotes, but use the double quotes around your story). Or 'post "[my story section]" to #224'.
You post One day the teletubbies decided to have a parade. But it started to rain. So they had noo-noo vacuum up all the raindrops. This worked great until noo-noo had a major electrical stort. 'I know what to do!' tinky Winky said. to story node. You can post to all the other nodes in the same way (Grump node is #223 and General node is #225), but it won't effect the movie. Top Back
Moving Around the Moo
You join Scrawl.
[new room description] You can also ride the bus. Top Back
You now have puppy with object number #929 and parent Generic Puppet (#114).
You now have a puppet by the name of puppy with an alias of 'pup'. To turn it on, type 'cdpup on'.
puppy> I am now on.
puppy> I am now off.
puppy says, "hi" (if you're in the same room)
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Puppet Name Alias Owner Status Location =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- puppy pup NerfSlosh Off The First Room =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Removing puppet 'puppy' with its alias 'pup'.
puppy (#929) recycled. Top Back