17 December 2004
Cola in her homeland
17 december 2004
Pet cemetary
17 december 2004
Pet cemetary
17 December 2004
Apple Valley
17 December 2004
These trees fell over in a freak snow storm
17 December 2004
These trees fell over in a freak snow storm
17 December 2004
Desert brush
17 December 2004
Cola's family's yard
17 December 2004
Cola's family's yard
17 December 2004
Nicole's sister Kristen has more stuffed animals than you can shake a stick at
17 December 2004
We decorated the xmas tree
17 December 2004
Nicole gazes at the xmas tree
18 December 2004
Nicole's sister participates in a theraputing horseback riding program
18 December 2004
This is the only sports program available for disabled people in the Inland Empire
18 December 2003
Nicole and John (her brother) help Kristen mount her horse
18 December 2004
On Kristen's left is a trainer, on her left is a sidewalker (who makes sure she doesn't fall) and in front is somebody to lead the horse.
18 December 2004
One of the things people do is to ride the horse backwards.
18 December 2004
The program is all volunteer run
18 December 2004
Somehow, it got on a list of porkbarrel spending and has been criticized by several newspapers. They don't even have special Olympics in Apple Valley. Why is giving money to corporations ok, but giving a tiny grant to disables services "pork barrel"
18 December 2004
Nicole leads a horse back to it's stall, after brushing it, de-tacking it and doing other horsey volunteer things.
18 December 2004
Nicole, her mom, John. In a strip mall
18 December 2004
Nicole's dad, mom, her, and brother John in House of Louie Chinese restaurant on her dad's 70th birthday
18 December 2004
Palm trees and xmas lights
18 December 2004
Palm trees and xmas lights
18 December 2004
18 December 204
Nicole's dad
19 December 2004
Nicole in Apple Valley
19 December 2004
The high desert
19 December 2004
The high desert
19 December 2004
Dead tomtom in the hgih desert