I am at my perents house. christi is sleeping on the sofa. margie is in a nother room praying or watching soap operas. my mom is sleeping, waking up just to try to remove the oxygen line from her nose or reach for invisible things overhead. my dad is at work. when i showed up here this morning, he was gone already. the chaplain of hospice called and said she wanted to talk to dad today. he came home for lunch and ate some meat (he seems to be on the atkins diet – maybe not on purpose) and i said the chaplian was coming. my dad said he could only skip work for things that were really important. um… like now? no, like really important. i wonder what could be more imporant than now. i don’t really want to find out. it would be bad. i told him about the family medical leave act and he said he had his coworkers to think of. i bet they really love having him come into every day. as fun as he normally is (note: irony) he must be extra great to hang around now. i bet they’re all scared of him.
Mom is more alert than yesturday. She’s getting 50% more oxygen streamed in her nose. the hospice people tell us not to give her water, so she’s drying out like a piece of dried fruit with out the sun. She’s talking a bit today. the hospice people tell us to talk to her, but i don’t know what to say. finally, i said, “you did a good job raising your daughter.” and she said, “thank you.” she answers yes or no questions when margie asks them.
My dad still wants to move her. he was upset when his mother was relocated. she was at el camino hospital and was clearly going to die and they decided she had to leave. so we had to find a place for her to go. she got moved to a convalescent hospital and died later the same day. Nobody dying wants to bounce around in the back of an ambulence. Actually, really very few people want to bounce around in the back of an ambulence at all. But my dad is as frightened as a bunny rabbit and wants to send her away. he said he didn’t want her sleeping (or dying) in their bedroom, so we moved her to the living room. it was a massive pain. she can’t stand at all on her own. margie halted to get her lifting belt, but my dad was intent and was going to do it alone. lifting from the back and not the knees. he’s going to destroy his back and for what? the whole moving experience was uncomfortable for her and now he wants to repeat it on a much larger scale. but it’s his call, not mine.
My mom is on the board of directors of a convalescent hospital. the one my grandma went to. it makes it hard to make an argument that she would opposed to moving there. when mom first came home from the hospital, she asked what was going on so i told her everything. she was upset. “my life is ruined. it’s over.” she kept repeating and it got very irritating very quickly. and iw as irritated at her, but i had to follow her everywhere, because her balance was poor and she might have fallen or wandered off or had some other calamity befall her. She was irrated at being followed. Her mantra changed from “everything is ruined.” to “you ruined everything.” because she was forgetting stuff and was unhappy and couldn’t remember why and certainly didn’t want her daughter telling her what to do. She told my dad that day that she wanted to move to fatima for the rest of her life rather than have me follow her around. so maybe she would rather be there. but we’d go to all the trouble of arranging an ambulence ride and she’s die when? the next day? later that day? on the ride over?
My dad has decided not to cremate my mom. This wouldn’t bother me except he made that descision when i told him that christi’s dad (a potter) could make an urn for my mom. The prospect of a handmade urn by a friend i guess is threatening somehow. both my grandmothers were creamated. he creamted his own mom, why not his wife? it’s got to be the urn. i told him he could say no and pick something else, but he’s been set on burial. he beleives that he is fully rational. his being an engineer makes him fully left brained and thus completely able to deal with any cirsis without becoming an emotional wreck. right.
I had opera tickets for tonight. i couldn’t switch them on such short notice, so i’m getting a tax write-off instead. but last night my dad irritated me and i went to esperanto class. it was stupid. they’re doing the lesson on affixes. i know almost all the affixes, becaise it was the fourth time i’ve had that lesson. everytime somebody new comes along, we do affixes again. anyway, i feel like someone should be at my mother’s side, but i went to class to avoid my dad. so maybe i’ll regret sacrificing my tickets to the irs.
No sign of my brother or my uncle. My uncle’s phone was off the hook all day yesturday. One day all of these males i’m related to will die. But first they will spend their last days being transported by ambulence from low-budget nursing home to low-budjet nursing home with noone to visit them and then they will neither be buried or creamated but simply tossed in the bay. These bad vibes i’m projecting are disturbing my mom. puppies and kittens. puppies and kittens. puppies and kittens.
Matthew put little three-plug splitters all over my house. i need some of them around my parents house. i had to unplug the computer speakers to plug in the hospital bed and something else to plug in the oxygen generator. no entertainment around here. mom is in the living room, in a hospital bed. she’s actually not acting very differently than she was a few days earlier. she was unengaged then too and flailed around her arm towards some invisible object above her and looked around concernedly. now she does all of those things but her eyes are closed and she sleeps real sleep more. The hospice nurse said, “I’ll see you thursday unless your mom dies first.”
The other shortage around here is concentrated frozen orange juice. my house is swimming in it. i had ordered box delivery of three OJ cans a week, but it was based on outdated calculations of how much oj i used to drink. so i cut it back to a can a week. that still is a bit high, only because i am lazy about washin gthe pitcher. if we had magic elves washing the pitcher, i’d drink a can a wek. so my home has a big excess and my parent’s home, soon to be just my dad’s home has none. or few. i didn’t check. they always buy minute maid which is bitter and a cocacola product and i don’t like think about pesticides, banana republics and opressed workers over my oj, sicne i drink it in the morning right off. i want to wait until after the comics.
Oj is also an afternoon drink. it’s the ultimate in comfort food. it’s full of sugar and empty calories. it’s only saving grace is probably vitamin c and sometimes calcium, which i don’t eat enough of. but empty calories are better than no calories. and i really want a glass of oj right now, since i’ve been crying all day. and i want the sugar too. Even the organic apple juice is all gone. i poured myself the last glass of it and discovered it was tea. medicinal tea t promote calm. so i drank it anyway.
I think I am going to esperanto class tonight. but i don’t want to go to the opera tomorrow. i’m not even sure about class tonight. actually, i don’t want to go.
My mom is lying dying and i’m watching general hospital. i know the names of several people in it now. i didn’t even ask the hospice nurse about steroids. how long has she got? a week? two? it’s soon. nobody on general hospital dies this way. for being around a hospital, they have remarkably few sick people. the occassional “accident” victim (was it really an accident?) more amnesia that you can shake a stick at, even cancer sometimes, but not this kind. tv cancer people alsways get to make a sensible goodbye and then die painlessly. brain cancer is pretty painless, tho. but no sensible goodbyes. when my mom was in the hospital and before she had an operation, she was on steroids and our family had gathered. she thought she was going to die that night. she was trying to have a deathbed scene. she was talking about me inheritting her jewlry, but she couldn’t talk. we could figure out what she was saying eventually, but when we realized the gist, we stopped playing along. we knew she’d be alive in the morning. the next day, she kept repeating, “i thought i was cooked!” she was so happy and surprised to still be alive. we’ve never repated that deathbed scene. i don’t know what her last wants and will is. i don’t care very much about how her stuff will be divided up. i certainly don’t need a year’s salry worth of shop-at-home jewlry. somebody on general hospital has been shot. he’s kidnapped a doctor to take out the bullet. none of these people have jobs. even the doctors don’t show up to work or do surgery except when they’re captive. they don’t even die. they just disappear for a season and then whoops, the wrong guy has been buried or something. and they have perfect hair in the hospital. people with head injuries don’t get shaved patches. but despite all this wonderfulness and their perfect hair, they’re always unhappy. half the time they’re trying to kill each other. don’t they know it’s futile? these people hardly ever die. yet all the tv commercials are for pharmaceuticals. medicine to fight side fx of chemo. nothing to forestall death. the hospice nurse says a couple of days.
My mom is still sleeping. Her eyes move when she sleeps, so she might be dreaming. Apparently, she woke up for a few minutes this morning and recognized my dad. She hadn’t been recognizing him for a while. He had a beard for 30+ years and then a year or two ago he decided it made him look old and shaved it off. I’m still not used to it. My mom apparently wasn’t used to it either, so he started growing it back. It’s about a centimeter long now. So this morning, my mom got a look of recognition and touched his beard. That was during the five minutes of being awake she had today. She can still drink out of juice boxes even though she’s asleep. Drinking out of a straw is sort of automatic, I guess. The juice boxes have eight ounces of liquid and 110 Calories. Soy Dream Enriched has 150 Calories per eight ounces, but we’re out of that. Soy Dream Chocolate Enriched has 220 Calories, but my mom was starting to get a rash because she is mildly allergic to chocolate and was getting loads of it in milk, soy milk, ensure, scandi shake and pudding everyday, so we stopped giving her chcolate. Her rash is gone, but she had the beginings of a bedsore this morning. Margie is rolling her from side to side every so often to nip this in the bud and stop formations of new ones. Anyway, whole milk has 160 Calories in 8 ounces, ensure has 250 Calories in eight ounces and ensure plus has 350 calories in eight ounces, but none of those come in juice boxes, so she probably can’t drink them anyway.
We’re asking hospice tomorrow about giving mom steroids. It’s my suggestion, but I’m not 100% sure it’s a good idea. It’s forestalling the inevitable, I guess. Is it a good idea to wake her up with chemicals, just to have her dragged back down again in a week (maybe more time, maybe less)? I have the idea that if she woke back up, her friends could rush in for a last minute visit, but how many of them would and how many of them would be too scared? Would her brother come? Would her son? Is it just stupid denial on my part to want to do this thing? My dad wants to ship her off to a convalescent hospital, because it’s hard for him to be around her when she’s in a near coma. He think she doesn’t get anything out of his presence and of course, it’s difficult for him. So waking her up for a week delays her being shipped off to fatima for a week. I’m trying to suggest a compromise. Maybe she could be put in a hospital bed or something. Right now, they still sleep in the same bed, only she sleeps a lot more than him in it.
All of this is very disturbing. It was hard enough dealing with this when my mom was still awake. I think if I had a job, I would have been fired by now. I guess I don’t work for the iguana foundation anymore.
And Chimera seems to have lost the publish button. hrm, must cut and paste this to IE. I guess blogger must have signed some deal with microsoft to use stupid IE-only javascript tags. bleah. it’s against the whole idea of the internet. somebody sais that people who write single-browser specific web pages are people who yearn for the days that you couldn’t open a mac text document on a pc and vice versa.
I’m trying out chimera to post this update. it’s a netscape browser, based on mozilla code but optomized for osx. normally, i post updates with internet explorer. i don’t like internet explorer or mozilla, i like omniweb. but some of the java script at blogger.com is weird and omniweb can’t do it. it’s the only thing it can’t do that i’ve found. conversely, internet explorer messes up the rollovers at ircam.fr, so don’t do thiking omniweb is inferior. anyway, if this posting works, then i’ll stop using ie altogther and start using chimera for this one website . . . at least until an omniweb update comes out. Mitch’s housemate, Juraj (kiu micxjo havas senmortantan amon por) works on mozilla, so he said i should check it out. now i am doing so. it’s nice when people take pride in their work and their companies. when i worked at that same company, i was mostly just embarrased about it, cuz of some of their other services.
Hrm, my mom has been asleep for the last 3 days. we just got her a reclining wheelchair. it’s been like this all along. as soon as we figure out how to deal with whatever stage she’s in, she moves on to the next one. I used to make a big deal about saying doobye to her, getting all maudalin about when the last time she was going to be able to say goodbye would happen. well, i made such a big deal about it that, until she got sleepy, everytime my dad or i or anyone kissed her, she would say “goodbye, have a good night. i love you.” so i realized it was a stupid thing to make a bid deal about it. but maybe it had meaning to her. anyway, last time she was awake i didn’t make a big deal about it and now she’s asleep. i wasn’t really paying enough attention to her. my dad is acting like it is a huge change that she’s sleepy all the time, but she was pretty unengaged the last time i saw her awake. anyway, if she can’t wake up she can’t swallow medicine. my dad wants to wait until tuesday to talk to the hospice nurse about getting a suppository form of the anti-seizure medicine, because the nurse has an appointment for tuesday. i think he should give them a call today or tomorrow. just because she hasn’t had a seizure yet doesn’t mean that she won’t have one. i don’t understand his motive for waiting. does he think that if they don’t witness it, maybe it’s not real yet? maybe it will reverse itself if we refuse to adjust? or maybe he’s noticed that she changes when we adjust and if we respond to her being unconscious, she’ll die. He asked me to start writing a biography of her. goodness, i have no idea what to write. My mom was born a long time ago and went to college and got a job and was very happy and then gave it all up to get married and have ungrateful children. that’s her autobiography from my childhood, especially when i was being uncooperative. She was a med tech, which meant she drew people’s blood and then looked at it for abnormalities and sometimes diagnosed diseases based on the blood samples. She said, “I had doctors coming to me for advice. Doctors! Now it’s ‘Where’s my socks?'” Um, then she inheritted a lot of money and became involved in 327467312649 charities and suddenly started making friends thanks to the miracle of anti-depressants. Then, just as she was getting into leadership roles in all of her organizations and finally found her footing, she got a brain tumor. everybody in the world thought she was super sweet and loved her, but very few of them came to visit. her family members avoided seeing her. the end.
all you people who think dogs are gross and cats arent: (christi, don’t read this)
I was leaving yesturday and just as i was opening the door, a cat threw up. I told myself that the cat was actually going to throw up 5 minutes in the future and i would not discover it until i got home and i left with the dog. when i got back, the cat barf was gone.
now all of you cat people go on and on about cats being self-cleaning and how dogs are stinky and will eat anything. looks like cats have disgusting diets too. or maybe they’re just very very clean. yuck.
Call up monday and tell folks you’re opposed to war:
In California, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara
Boxer can be reached at:
Tel: 415-393-0707 or 202-224-3841 (in Washington DC)
Fax: 415-393-0710
Email: senator@feinstein.senate.gov
Tel: 415-403-0100 or 202-224-3841 (in Washington DC)
Fax: 415-956-6901
Email: senator@boxer.senate.gov
President Bush’s office can be reached at:
Tel: 202-456-1414
Fax: 202-456-2461
Email: president@whitehouse.gov
Note the local numbers. The local voicemailbox is full right now.
My favorite cousin (who is actually first cousin to my grandmother (god rest her soul)) wrote a letter to my mom that reminisces about their shared experiences when they were 16 or 17. Uh… except for the 20+ year age difference…. and it contains the sentence “As I recall, your dad was the first to advertise coffee on the radio.” My relations are exhibitting a disturbing lack of robustness.
I’m listening to a live radio stream from Fausto at Shirley and Spinoza (http://www.compound-eye.org/radio/index.htm). Apparently this is the first time he’s live streamed, so he’s excited. This is the radio station responcible for my US radio priemere. No really.
viking kittens: http://www.rathergood.com/vikings/