I am brainstorming on a name for this coming art movement. It needs to not be a pre-existing word in english or esperanto and should be free as a .com domain, if at all possible. We live ina world where the intrenet controls names of things to a high degree.
It’s nothing more than post modernist-influenced fluxism. Every movement is some good ideas and a lot of hype. Even if your ideas aren’t necessarily new, they might be good and will have a lot of hype. Historically, music lags 50 – 100 years behind everything else. But John Cage changed all that. With 4’33”, he invented post modernism. He put music in front of the times. That was fifty years ago and pomo is just catching on the mainstream. Music was fifty years ahead of the times. We just need to stand still for fifty more years and we’ll still be running ahead according to normal musical time.
fluxists were into speed. not the drug, the concept. energy, movement. everything was going somewhere. we’re not about that. so we’re not fluxists. but there’s something very endearing about a violin in a bird cage that can’t help but be an influence to me. speed is too eficient. speed is for the internet. i hate the net. i live on the net. i love the net.
so we’re pomo. we worship john cage (just like the fluxists), but are not into speed. we go for the political message of cage. everyone can be an artist. dig it. everything should be automated. right on. overpopulation in art. a comunist and an anarchist agree on this. it’s powerful stuff.
we exault doublethink. an idea and it’s opossite are contradictory but one need not exclude the other. we mock pinkos. we are pinkos. we love and hate everything we stand for. we don’t stand for anything. we are nihilists, but we do not practice or condone nihilism. we would be finding ourselves, but we’re not missing and we enjoy being lost.
We are one-worlders. One planet. Many poeples. One second language. Many cultures. We embrace Esperanto. Universal access.
Just need a name. maybe some coherence. this is version 0.01. go esperanto. now we’ll fill this up with slang. it disturbs me how doublethink me and people my age are. this here is the groovy zone. groovy is not a cool word. it’s old and dated and thus is cheesy. so using it is ironic. which is funny. which is cool. so groovy both is and is not a cool word at the same time. everything is like that. Maoism. Sunday comics. Pancakes.
This is incoherent, but it is late at night. and coherence is good and bad at the same time.
mitch got more than 200 hits from my yahoo postings. all i need is a name for my soon-to-take-over-the-world art movement and some gurilla marketting and….uh…. i don’t know where i’m going with this……
I’ve been posting comunist rantings to yahoo news buliten boards, mainly under the name “hungry_pinko,” to promote http://www.pancakesforpinkos.com. In short, the people don’t need [news story subject], they need healthcare, education, housing, jobs and a hearty breakfast. (I support http://www.pancakesforpinkos.com).
The differnce between me and Mitch is that he’s a libretarian and I really do have big leftist leanings. The proletariat do need all of that and adequate vacation time too. I support the UN charter thingee on human rights. In fact, screw the economy. What we need is housing, healthcare, education, lesiure time, art, music, books and hearty breakfasts. I say we pick a few consumer goods we really like and fully automate their production. then we make sure all the food gets to where it needs to go, but we switch to sustainable agriculture. We don’t need to export and destroy farmers overseas. Screw that. Farmers are highly estemeed. Then we keep making medical stuff. Doctors are highly esteemed. And we still have schools and school stuff like textbooks and crayons, only the textbooks are not full of lies. Teachers are highly esteemed. And we make passive solar houses out of stuff we have sitting around and other highly eficient building materials. Civil Engineers, materials scientists and construction workers are highly esteemed, but quite a bit rarer than they are now. We have millions of acres of wasted retail space which will be converted to other pruposes. We may not need to build buildings except after earthquakes and the like, or maybe for big art shows, like the Bienalle. And everyone who is not a farmer, train worker (train workers are highly esteemed), doctor, nurse (nurses are highly esteemed), teacher, janitor (supremely highly esteemed), civil engineer, construction worker or material engineer can go and work in the publishing industry (also esteemed) or be a scroungy unesteemed artist, musician or writer. Most everyone can and will make art, so why esteem it unless it’s exceptional? Anyway, the proletariat need more compassion, less conservativism, respect for their humam rights and a hearty breakfast.
a funny thing happened when i was walking to my friend’s car after the
OtherMinds film festival (which was great, btw). I was walking up Market
Street in San Francisco, away from Castro when I stepped over something on
the sidewalk. My friend said, “Is that a Moog?”
So I looked back at the box i just stepped over and it said “Octave Cat”
on it. I went for a closer look. No knobs. No insides, just a power
transformer. It was dark and rainging out. I said, “Grab it!”
So now I have an empty Octave Cat cover sitting in my studio. It’s in
pretty good shape, considering. A couple of dings, but all the text on
the outside looks good. couple of scratches below the keys (or rather,
where the keys belong). It’s a good looking case all in all.
And it could be YOURS for FREE! You pickup or pay shipping. This is a
limitted time offer. The garbage collection comes one week from today.
You may be thinking, “Why would I need a cover? I already have an Octave
Cat cover for my Octave Cat.” Well, maybe your cover has become
illegible. Maybe you’re looking for “street cred.” Maybe you have always
wanted a wild and crazy paint job for your wild and crazy sound, but
couldn’t bring yourself to modify your one and only cover for it.
What I have exactly: Top and sides (no bottom) of metal cover for an
octave Cat (or so it claims) with a transformer inside (untested). All of
this was recovered from the side walk of Market Street by Castro. If you
see something with keys and electronics lying in the street there, I may
have the other piece!
This lovely, hardly abused cover will go to the first person who contacts
me. It is available for pickup in sunny Berkeley, California, USA. I may
be persuaded to drop it by your place if you’re someplace nearby and have
a good sob story about lack of transportation. I can also bring it to
Palo Alto residents, since I have an Esperanto class at Stanford and I
have to go to Palo Alto once a week anyway.
A while back, I emailed Senator Dianne Feinstein to ask her to vote against the war resoltuion that Bush was asking for. She voted for it and it passed. So perhaps soon, a bunch of young folks, perhaps some friends of mine, will march off to kill and get killed so that the stockholders of chevron can make an extra fifty cents a share. Biodiesel is the future, people. Carpool and ride busses or people will die horrible deaths to feed the plutocratic industrialist criminal swine!
I seem to be off on a tangent, like one might find at Pancakes for Pinkos. But my coming point is important and I don’t want to trvialize it, so listen up:
Today, I received email back from Feinstein telling me that she had to disagree with me. At the bottom was the statement she made on the senate floor. Part of it is very intestesting. She says, “I serve as the Senior Senator from California, representing 35
million people. That is a formidable task. People have weighed in
by the tens of thousands. If I were just to cast a representative vote
based on those who have voiced their opinions with my office and
with no other factors I would have to vote against this resolution.” Then she goes on to explain that she voted in favor of war anyway, despite the wishes of her constituents. So, in effect, our congress people are knowling going against the will of the people. Our “elected” representatives hide behind “secret data” and “intelligence reports” which are invariably revelaed to be either utterly lacking or a pack of lies. The truth of the matter is that we’ve launched the cruelest embargo in history against iraq with sanctions that cause thousands of people to die and Bush Sr, Clinton and Bush Jr shuold be tried as war criminals for their rolse in it. No wonder we’re opposed to the world court tribunal in The Hauge.
Feinstein is a tool of corporate criminals and war profiteers. I use the word “elected” in quotes, because most peope realize that a vote for either major party is futile and stay home. When the people try to weigh in directly on issues of dire importance, they are ignored. The only hope for change is direct action. Howard Zinn notes in A People’s History of the United States that every political movement that as sought to create change through the ballot box has fizzled out, while direct action in the frm of wildcat strikes and civil disobediance has been tremendously successful. We need to be out in the street. Write the letters to the “representatives,” but back it up with action. The mass protest is mightier than the pen.
The application deadline for IRCAM’s year long course in electronic music was October 15th. I guess I won’t be going to Paris in 2003 to study music. Damn.
I just voted a straight green party ticket (except for Barbara Lee. Yay
Barbara Lee!) and I get to come home not feeling like I’ve compromised my
values. And my vote isn’t thrown away, cuz I wouldn’t have voted otherwie
(except for Barbara Lee. Yay Barbara Lee!)
Anyway, I know that some of y’all live in the Bay Area section of
California so I thought I’d mention my wifey’s voting guide now that it’s
too late and you’ve already voted.
For that long list of judges to vote yes or no on, she actually went and
read their opinions. she does more research than anyone. her political
bent is such that, although she votes green, she won’t register green
because “they’re too conservative.”
And I’d like to take a moment to brag that Barbara Lee went to Mills
College, a very small women’s liberal arts college in Oakland that I also
went to, but not at the same time as her. Mills alums are going to take
over the world, but slowly, since there’s not that many of us.
I’m back, did you miss me? I didn’t log on once in Portland.I didn’t want to, but even if I had, Christi’s parents forgot to pay their ISP bill. Anyway, there’s 830 messages in my inbox, and most of it is spam. My isp sucks so much that not only do they not block anything, they actually have open relays, so they get blocked by other people. So my dad’s company marks my email as spam and he never sees it.
I might talk about Portland in the morning. But I’ll talk about National Novel Writing Month right now. The goal is to write a novel of at least 50,000 words between November 1 (it’s not too late to start) and midnight on November 30. I’m a bit over 5500, but my reading grade level is only something like 3.8. I think that’s below even newspaper articles. Anyway, I’ve mostly written plot and dialog, so I’ll have to make the descriptions a bit more challenging I guess. It’s a young adult type novel, about freshmen girls in highschool having relationships. I think what really sets my novel apart from Sweet Valley High is that the girls are having relationships with each other.
Christi wants me to post it as it’s own blog, but that’s a problem because earlier scenes get description added to them, such as what the school uniform looks like, so it’s not getting written all in order. Anyway, I think she’s just concerned that I’m writing it on her laptop. I think it might boast the only copy of microsoft word in the house. Not that i’ve got fancy markup, but it does count my words and tell me that I’ve apparently sunk to three monasyllabic word sentences. Christi told me to throw in words like “ontology” to raise my reading score. I remeber reading Sweet Valley High in fourth and fifth grade, so it’s possible my reading level is on target.
You (yes, you) should sign up. If you can write for twenty days, you only have to write 2500 words a day. That sounds like a lot, but you can invent some formulaic charecters and they practically describe themselves, taking up many words. (think “quantity.”) Start throwing in people like queer teenagers coming out or snake handlers or hichiking bikers dressed as nuns. I bet you can already think of 2500 words about each of them. Great, now put them in a line at a truckstop waiting for the bathroom when something happens that throws them all together somehow. An earthquake! A fire! Alien invasion! All three at the same time! The alien spacecraft alone will eat up another day’s quota. Ok, now the charecters are interacting. The fundamentalist snake handler is condeming the queer teens when one of the snakes escapes and bites the biker nuns. It’s poisonous, but God saves her, so she decides to be a real nun. The fundamentalist is even more upset, but the aliens abduct him for a nasal probe and decide he should be an exhibit in their museum of intolerance. One of the queer teens falls for one of the bikers and the other queer teen is upset and starts a fire with his/her cigarette by accident because it’s the first time s/he’s smoked, but it just seemed like the thing to do under the circumstances. The deus ex machine…. i mean the aliens extinquish it. The teens and the bikers decide they should start their own convent/commune and start their own religion based on alien teachings. An earthquake strikes their cathedral but they rebuild and live happily ever after. See how easy it is. Now just fill in the details. If you had enough lesbian chaecters and you are a lesbian (yes, you), there was a time you could sell this novel to naiad press and they would print it and you would see it with it’s glorious two color cover in the remainder bin at Buns and Noodle. But I think Naiad is no more. Anyway, any of you are free to snap up that plotline above, since I don’t think I’ll be using it.
http://www.bayarea.com/mld/bayarea/news/local/4374341.htm Mercury News article about mom. (not just the short announcement obit). The quotes in there don’t sound at all like my dad.
tiffany moved back in once the male Dentons departed. She and luoi are being really nice to me. They made soup out of all my tamaters. I didn’t cancell my vegitable service, so my vegitables have been accumulating. They also made rhubarb pie, strawberry rhubarb pie and carrot cake with lemon frosting. Christi grabbed one of Brother Robert’s pear tortes from the funeral reception, so we had a lot of dessert. Peole came over today (the date says monday, but it’s still sunday night to me) and ate the desserts. It was the Kazes, T & L, Sarah D, Mitch, Brother Bob, GI Jen and Ed la instruisto. Mitch brought a clear plastic rat. We ate dessert and then all of us minus the Kazes went for dinner at Jaun’s Place. Then all of us minus Brother Bob and Ed went to see Bowling for Columbine. The movie was good, but there’s a long montage of news footage of people getting shot and killing themselves with guns that was very disturbing and made me shake a bit. Then we went to Gaylords for coffee, but Christi wanted to get home to sleep so she can work tomorrow. Mitch and GI Jen went home. The rest of us came back to casaninja and luoi decided to stay here, sicne she seems to live here part time. Sarah D stayed for a long time too. She read some Dykes to Watch Out For and then went home at some times, who knows when, all the clocks are screwed up because of the time change.
Tiffany, Christi’s mom and I are driving to Portland tomorrow. What will happen to xena has not yet been worked out. Cathy (aka Christi’s mom) has offered to keep the dog for a few weeks until we can return to claim her. Maybe Christi will decide to drive up. I need to go to LA soon. I don’t know when we can come up. Christi complains that she has already missed a lot of work. When I try to get her miss a bit more, she offers to quit her job to make me happy, which I couldn’t possibly ask her to do. I doubt her boss has hinted that he thinks she should quit if she misses more days, but it’s a very effective way for her to get me to quit asking her to go to portland or LA or anyplace else. I must be more self-sufficient and go visit my greiving, elderly relative by myself. When my mom was alive, everytime I proposed skiping some visit with Catherine, the elderly nun cousin, my mom would point out Catherine’s elderliness and say that she wasn’t going to live that much longer (the cousin, that is) and imply that if I skipped I might never see her again. Catherine was younger than many of her relatives in her generation and she has outlived all of her siblings, all of her first cousins, including my grandma, and has started outliving the children of her first cousins. All she’s got left in the catagory of first-cousin-once-removed, afaik, is my uncle. Anyway, I could try smiting Christi with the she’ll-probably-be-dead-soon hammer, but Christi would recognize it as my mother’s. And while I don’t mind sharing many traits with my mom, I’d like to try to skip the mighty guilt wielding one.
Tiffany pointed out to me that “confuse” and “amuse” and “criticise” are spelled with ‘s’ and not ‘z’. Why do we even have a ‘z’ when it’s so underused? Everyplace you think you hear it, it’s just an ‘s’ masquerading. Esperanto spelling makes a lot more sense. But obviously, since I am leaving for portland in eleven hours or so, I will be missing the next Esperanto class. Maybe I’ll actually do some homework. Earlier tonight, I was yelling across a parking lot at Mitch, “Tifanjo kaj mi ne iros al la klasson se ne iros al Portlandon. Gxis poste!” Perhaps that should count as homework? I wish I could speak even that much Spanish.
I just lit candle number 5. It may be tha hand of God. the one before was St. Micheal the Arcangel and the one before that some nautical apparition of the BVM. If i spoke some spanish, I would have clue what these things were. I guess I could look in a spanish-english dictionary. Maybe when I get back. I’ll prolly entirely miss the burning of the Lady of Guadalupe candle.
I went to the pet store to buy dog food and came home with that and a dog halloween costume. It’s a royal cape and crown. Xena has been very mellow and has been wering it without complaint. Crazy dog.