I had a disagreement with some of my neighbors about dogs. Actually, about my dog. My thought is that our parking area makes an excellent dog run. Anyway, parking lots are wastes of space. After the revolution it will be a cool vegitable garden. My neighbor’s thoughts are that parking lots are for cars and happy dogs running around belong in the dog parks our city has so generously provided. Apparently I missed a nieghborhood association meeting on the topic. And I failed to read the minutes. And it’s high crimes and treason for the dog to stand in the planter because the plants are dying as a result. The plants die every winter and return in the spring, much like Christ’s yearly resurrection, but I refrained from pointing this out and instead regretted that Christi was forced to resign from the Association Board due to time conflicts. Anyway, afterwards, I was pondering life after the revolution, in happy communes and a dark thought fell upon me. “How am I going to get along in a squat/commune if I can’t even get along with my neighborhood association now?” I shared this with Mitch and he said it wasn’t my fault, my neighbors are all “consumerist-minded.” So now I feel better about it, if a bit elitist. Mitch is cool

In other news, I’ve been IMing stangers with webcams. I like IMing strangers. It gives me a chance to practice my Esperanto. But the webcam thing, I do not get. First, let’s talk angles and lighting. If the webcam is top of the monitor, you are facing it. This is a good angle. But nobody wants their light source coming from there, as it would cause glare and make it hard to read the screen. So the picture is backlit and weird looking. Or you can put the webcam on the side, but then the angle is odd as far as the Sci-fi idea of visual communication goes. Also, looking at people typing on their computer is not the most exciting image in the world. Unless they were naked or something. But there seems to be a sort of greenish pall that would hinder that. And most people I encounter, online or off, I don’t want to see naked. Maybe if I kept being IMed by 18-34 year old lesbians, but so far I think it’s all guys. There is something strangely fascinating about it though. It’s voyeristic, sort of, especially since I don’t have a webcam myself. It’s like watching somebody broadcasting live from their living room. People jokes this is what the TV show Big Brother was all about. People were getting so voyeristic they just wanted to watch each other living life on TV. At least with a webcam, there’s some back and forth chatting.

Miss Manners on Baby Showers

Showering a Relative

Dear Miss Manners:
My Daughter-in-law is expecting her first child. I have a shower planned for her, because her only sister, her mother and her best friend live in California. My son is an only child so I am not able to put a daughter’s name on the invitations as many of my releatives and friends have done in the past for showers both bridal and baby. Will it be in bad taste is I put my name on the invitations? My husband feels we should do this if that’s what we’d like to do. I feel a bit uncertain.
Gentle Reader:
Showers are tricky, and a lot of people get caught up in them. The word “shower” is used here as in “to shower with presents,” making this the only form of gorwn-up entertainment at which a present is mandatory. Therefore, such an event is not properly given by any member of the guest of honor’s immediate family – daughter, sister, mother, or mother-in-law. However, since your relatives and friends have been making mistakes about this right and left, Miss Manners suggests you do not worry about it and go ahead and give your party. If you want to be perfectly correct, call it a tea, not a shower, thus establishing that you wish to bring joy but not bounty to the family.
Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior 1979. p.22

Sexist Showers

Dear Miss Manners:
You seem intolerant – and justifiably so – of nonsense masquerading as corectness. But what about sexism and opression disguised as polite tradition? I’m referring to wedding and baby showers. Do these traditions not have considerable sexist and oppressive components? Are they not designed to reinforce women who accept the roles society deems most acceptable for women, rewarding them with vacuum cleaners, kitchen utensils, and baby paraphernalia when they assume their rightful roles as wives and mothers?
Are you sympathetic to such thinking? How should a person with such views respond to an invitation to attend a shower? A simple “No, thank you” seems too unfriendly, or, worse, cheap. A political discusion is probably counter-productive.
Gentle Reader:
Few of our social institutions can bear severe philosophical scrutiny. Neither can using an invitation to participate in other people’s pleasures as an opportunity for dampening them with one’s disapproval. It is not impolite simply to decline an invitation that goes against your principles, provided you do not explain the fact.
In the matter of showers, things are changing. Miss Manners can’t help but noticing that your signature indicates that you are a man, and pointing out that a few years ago, you would not have been invited to showers. Presumably, the bridegroom or father will also be a guest of honor at such a shower, and your presents should be given to both husband and wife. Vacuum cleaners and baby clothes are not, in themselves, sexist objects. They become so when it i presumed that only the woman should put them on the rug or the baby
Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior 1979. p.23-24

Miss Manners on other showers

For the Bridal Couple

Dear Miss Manners:
In recent years, the prospective bridegroom has been present at all bridal showers that I have attended. Lavish as these affairs have become, am I wrong in assuming that they still should be considered “girl parties,” with all the appropriate gushing, giggling and gossiping? The man must be bored to tears. Is it an omen of things to come? Will the bride-to-be soon be expected to pop out of a cake at the stag party and have to listen to raunchy jokes told over a few steins of beer? If one, why not the other? Do I sense a double-standard here, and if so, why? Are all the traditional bastions of ettiquette crumbling like a house of cards?
Gentle Reader:
Cards don’t crumble. However, Miss Manners does not mind if some customs do. The gender-seperated wedding party, based on the idea that the bride and the bridegroom have opposite notions of social fun and are bored senseless by each other’s friends, is not a tradition that Miss Manners is going to go to a lot of trouble to rescue from oblivion.
Not that she objects to it. giggliness and raunchiness are all right in their place, and sharing a session of one or the other with compatible souls of one’s own gender is al very well. The specific bridal customs you mention often overdo things, with an unpleasant emphasis on materialism for the ladies and unacceptable forms of entertainment (such as ones that end in the bridegroom’s being arrested) for the gentlemen. For this reason, and because of the increasing tendency for friendships to be formed on the basis of common interests regardless of gender, the sort of divided party you mention is becoming less and less popular. So be it.
Miss Manners’ Guide for the Turn of the Millennium 1989. p 573-573

Yahoo posting:

Anarchism is not really a new idea, but it’s not one that’s yet been implemented on a large scale AFAIK. the pancakesforpinkos movement is based largely on the writings of John Cage, but also on other post-capitalist theories and the moralist approach of Noam Chomsky.

For an explination of anarcho-socialism, a good reference is a work by John Cage called “Overpopulation and Art.” It’s published in a book called _John Cage: Composed in America_. you can find out more information about that book from the pancakesforpinkos website.

In short, we believe in all of the rights accorded to workers in the UN charter. These include healthcare, education, adequate leisure time and a great many others. We believe very strongly in freedom of association, since that is the very basis of anarchism and also in government responcibility to coordinate for the social welfare of all, which is the socialism part. Our utopic society would feature limitted mandatory government service, but also squats, a use-based system instead of an ownership model and production based on human need rather than profit.

We beleive that implicit in this system and in worker’s rights is a right to a hearty breakfast: http://www.pancakesofrpinkos.com

Channel 5 news just called me to do a phone survey. Tom Bates, the mayor-elect of Berkeley, on the last day before the election, threw away 1000 copies of the Daily Cal that endorsed his oponent, Shirley Dean. He’s admitted to this. So the question was, “what should happen to him?” Should he be removed from office? Should he stay in office but face some other punishment? Should he stay in office and face no punishment? I picked “don’t know.” the way that question comes acorss, I’m guessing option two will be the big winner. but the issue is more complicated than what they said over the phone. First of all, there’s the political aspect. We’d have to have a new election and maybe Shirley Dean would be mayor again. She practicaly encouraged the right to boycott Berkeley because the counsil passed a resolution against the Patriot Act. Then, there’s the question of the severity of the crime and the commonness of the crime. Just because a crime is highly common, doesn’t lessen it’s seriousness, of course. But one of the counsil members told the paper that he stole thousands of copies of the Daly Cal once too, but it turned out that it endorsed him, so he put them back. someone else said that while he was runing against Dean, thousands of his signs were torn down. It seems like it’s common in Berkeley to interfere with other people’s campaigns. which means that almost all of the city cousil might have to step down.
Christi saw Bates on the morning of the election and said he looked so tired that he resembled a cheerful zombie. Should actions that occur when people are exhausted and stressed be more easily forgiven? Most of us would say yes, for minor infractions. So it all comes down to the question, “how serious is it to throw away 1000 copies of the Daily Cal?” I don’t know. But I do remeber a very short appointment for a police cheif in San Francisco. The Bay Times ran a cover of the new chief holding a baton in a “suggestive manner,” so the chief ordered officers to remove the newspaper. And then, very shortly, he was himself removed. does a smiliar fate await Bates? Who knows? but since this is Berkeley, one of the questions that ought to be publically addressed is, “Did he recycle the newspapers?”
The Daly Cal is a UC student-run daily paper. The Bay Times is the alternative gay newspaper that covers the whole Bay Area. Presumably, only copies in SF were removed. Tom Bates was nominated by a coalition of progressives from many parties as a candidate who could beat Dean. Previously, he served in the state assembly

I have not posted for a long time. It’s because I was bummed. First, there were two news-helicopter situation within blocks of my house in one day. Some folks decided to rob the bank I always use the ATM at. They shot the two folks tring to put money in that self-same ATM and one of them died. And then, in just a few blocks the other direction, a disgruntled ex-employee of some company took hostages and killed himself. These were bad things, but what bummed me out is that nobody called me to see if I was ok. It’s not like I require such a call, since I am ok, and when I used to receive them, I found them midly annoying. But now I am mom-less and receive no such calls. That was the weekend before Thanksgiving.
Of course, the holidays are a major bummer too. I’ve had Thanksgiving with Christi’s family for the last few years, but my god-mother invited my nuclear family over and I was going to accept. My dad told my brother and I both not to accept and he went for some undisclosed third option also. I think he may have sat home alone. This also is a large change, because usually my mom would be trying to convince me to have thanksgiving with her instead of far away, which would be mildly annoying. Now I get told to scram.
But all is not doom and gloom. I saw my last living female relative during this just passed weekend. She was my grandmother’s first cousin and is a nun. She’s elderly and sent some confused communications during my mom’s illness, so I was worried that she wouldn’t be well, but she was doing much better than I expected. We went to see the movie Adaptation with her. those of you who have seen it may be thinking, “that’s not a very nun-friendly movie!” You’re right, it’s not. There was some confusion because it stars Nicholas Cage and she thought it featured John Cage. So it was not at all what she was expecting and since she’s mostly blind, she couldn’t see it very well, which is a good thing for her in this case, I think. The convent nurses told me not to take her to see anything that wasn’t G or PG rated, but they were kidding. I think.
And we saw Christi’s grandpa. Normally, he holds himself ot a very strict schedule, but we threw it all in disarray. Normally he eats a particular TV dinner for each night of the week, but he went out to dinner with us two days in a row, which is unheard of for him. We went to see Christi’s cousin in a school play. The cousin played a head in a box on a table. The play was terrible. The kids did the best they could with what they had, but they really did not have much. It was a valliant effort. christi’s cousin was the best actor in the play. All of the charecters were highly bizarre, yet somehow the cousin managed to be beleivable as a head on a table, no small feat. I’ve heard that their school is in dire economic straits and so has to use plays with very very low royalties. someone needs to write low-royalty plays for highschools.
the auditorium has a WPA mural painted in the foyer. It’s a very nifty mural and it shows workers and other nifty themes. It’s too bad the WPA is over, it was the only time during US history that the government actually supported the arts. This may never happen again.
Christi is reading all of Ned Rorem’s diaries. They’re amusing because of his terribly pretentious bon-mots. I told Christi that I was going to keep a terribly pretentious journal for when I rise to star-dom as a composer. she encouraged me. Then I could publish my journal under the title Self-portrait of the Composer as a Young Woman or something else equally awful. She suggested maybe I just keep a blog. I may need to start another blog, since this one does not adequaltely come off as a celebration of my genius. Ahem. Nevermind.

couples therapy is a lot like that Simpsons episode where they go in for family cousilling and the shrink gives them foam covered bats to hit each other with. then bart realized that you can take the foam off and promptly breaks Homer’s leg. If you didn’t need help before, boy, you sure will afterwards. How this is suppossed to do anybody any good, is beyond me. In times of stress, the guru to turn to is not any shrink you can think of or anyone that advocated airing all of your dirty laundry all at once in an attack-like barrage. no the voice to listen to, the voice of reason is Miss Manners. Clearly what is required in times of stress that people make an extra effort to be polite, not let everything negative out in a vian quest for catharthis.I would rather grow back my wisdom teeth every week and have them removed every week over and over again like that mythical guy whose spleen grew back every night, than go to couples therapy. The wisdom teeth thing is much nicer. Everyone had your best interest in mind and people are nice to you afterwards. Your spouse doesn’t start crying and avoid you. she brings you ice cream instead. Isn’t it better to get ice cream?When I was a kid, my mom dragged me off to family cousilling along with the rest of my family (but i was the primary target). that was pretty miserable. it gave me a terrible opion of shrinks. i decided they were all bad people who tried to sow discord in order to keep themselves employed longer or maybe because they really hate people. I could never tell which. Everyone assured me that going as an adult (even if pretty much against my will) would be very different. Nope. It’s exactly the same. No, it’s worse, becuase I end up paying cash for it at the end. Before it was miserable, but at least it was my parents money.And then I went out to the car afterwards, and there was a parking ticket. Yes, it just gets better and better. No-one will ever get me into a shrink’s office again. I’m going with the they-all-hate-people theory.

Communism has embraced an international outlook from the onset. It has long been recognized than nationalism is nothing more than tool whereby the ruling classes can divide and disunify the workers, thus protecting their ability to exploit the workers for their own greedy ends. Marx himself wrote in The Communist Manifesto, “Workers of the wrold unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains.” The potential gains of the unified, internationalized workers are many. Not the least of which is a hearty breakfast.

The need for a hearty breakfast has long been recognized by eastern bloc countries and was a long term goal of centralized soviet planning. Furthermore, it was recognized that a meeting place was required in the west. A place where those who realized that the international proletariat need a hearty meal to start the day, could identify easily and without prompting. Such a venture was established in 1958 and has since spread throughout the industrialized nations of the USA, Canada and Japan. This venture was completely covert. In every way this meeting place resembles any other buisiness in these countries. Many members of management are unaware. But the workers stand by read to seize the means of production and provide hearty breakfasts to the proletariat in conjunction with a generalized workers strike and communist revolution.

Astute readers should have no trouble recognizing an international provider of pancakes. Perhaps there is one in your town. That is where you can meet your comrades, have a hearty breakfast and discuss the overthrow of the capitalist system. Just ask your server for the “Red Star Pancake Special.”

The yahoo post

“I wonder if global warming also has something to do with the spread of AIDS?”

Now you’ve done it. Given the lefties another idea for another study for another waste of tax dollars. Oh well, they would have spent our money anyway.

The reply

ghost_shape, this is an example of good, right thinking. You are the sort of man that is rare on yahoo boards. Our tax dollars should not be spent by lefties on touchy-feely human rights programs or research into human diseases. Our money should be spent on weapons to defeat the remnants of communism. castro is still there in cuba and he’s armed! china is still communist. Just because the soviet union went underground does not mean that communism is not still a threat.

the rest of our excess money should be returned to the corporations who earned it and their owners.

those lefties are always thinking of ways to divert money from arms and industry into useless studies designed to improve people’s lives. And then they want to spend the rest of it on other touchy-feely things like pancakes breakfasts. documented: http://www.pancakesforpinkos.com