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the catholic encyclopedia, specifically, The Te Deum atricle at notes that:

The general rubrics (titulus XXXI) of the Roman Breviary direct the recitation of the Te Deum at the end of Matins: (a) on all feasts throughout the year, whether of nine or of three lessons, and throughout their octaves. It is said on the octave day of the feast of the Holy Innocents, but not on the feast itself unless this should fall on Sunday; (b) on all Sundays from Easter (inclusively) to Advent (exclusively) and from Christmas (inclusively) to Septuagesima (exclusively); (c) on all ferial days during Eastertide (namely from Low Sunday to Ascension Day) except Rogation Monday.

Guess what day le Mystère du Siège D’Orléans (erroneously) states is the day that the English left Orléans! Guess!

Ascension Day!!!!
since the writer of the play certainly knew that the English left on the 8th and not the 9th, s/he must have had a reason for writing in the wrong date. Is there symbolism involved? Since the play is closely tied to the annual thanksgiving procession and celebration, the establishment of that process, described here as Joan of Arc direction the town to sing Te Deum may have had very very strong import to the writer. It might have been the point of writing the whole play.
It sure would be a lot easier to tell if I could read French…

in other news

(still news about the MdsO) Slobin thought that kids here would be really excited to stage the play. So I asked some kids about it, and they were really excited. hopefully, they can be excited long enough to translate it. Putting it on for all 4+ days that it would take is probably overly ambitious, so i’m thinking: pick one day. and i can write music for the pauses (using the correct instruments were directed). and undergrads can take the 129 speaking parts. and maybe the SCA could help out with the battle stuff. i just need a vision and an army of excitable undergrads.
It would be the first ever staging too, which could add to the excitement.

too much excitement!!!!

Joan of Arc mentions the name of a song in line 13638! She orders the town to chant Te Deum laudamus! The name of an actual piece of music, for which the words and melody are known! Actual, real music! Not just, “Then here is a pause of trumpets. then the messanger says:” No, real, actual music that I can listen to. And right after that, “then, here is a large pause, etc” with musical instrument mentioned! Not only does it say what song to play, but how to orchestrate it! with bells and trumpets and loud voices!

And what does grove music say about this song? It has “been used as a processional chant, the conclusion for a liturgical drama, a song of thanksgiving on an occasion such as the consecration of a bishop, and a hymn of victory on the battlefield.” there it is! A song of thanksgiving on a battlefield! As a part of a (nonliturgical) drama!
I’m going to go jump up and down now . . . or sing Te Deum

Still snowing

Went out last night and played with dog for a long time. Then wandered around with some undergrads and went and got some simulation of a soy hot chocolate at the town café. Tried throwing snowballs, but the snow was too dry. Also, apparently too dry for a snowperson. someone suggested snow angels, but it seemed cold. I missed both concerts I was going to go to.

Today, snow continues to fall. I dunno how much this stuff weighs, so I brushed it off the roof of my car. I might have to get Aaron at the train station tomorrow, so I’m hoping I can get somebody who has experience driving in snow to come with me, so s/he can warn me if I’m about to do something stupid.
I want to try to make a snowperson, but I’m supposed to do reasearch. The east coasters all seem to want to pat me on the head and send me on my way when I act amazed/confused. Except for the undergrads, since many undergrads are perpetually amazed/confused. I wish Christi were here.

My dog ate my research

Came home last night to find part of a dissertation (that i’ve been using as source material) torn up and full of bite marks. What’s worse is that the post-it notes had been systematically removed. Fortunately, I own the copy that I was using and so don’t need to pay fees to the library.

bad dog

Dean defends second class citizenship marriage for hets only, says dean. he went on to state that allowing blacks and white to intermarry was a an issue for the states to decide. “what is appropriate in a northern state, just might not fly in the deep south.” he continued “what’s important is to give more or less equal rights to people, even if they happen to be seperate rights.”

Kucinich for president


Joan of Arc presentation on Wednesday. final project in supercollider demo tomorrow. final presentation in pedagogy tomorrow. gamelan concert thursday.

if i don’t throw myself in the connecticut river first. it’s much too cold for that tho. snow flurries at lunch time.
no food in the fucking filthy house.

Homework homework homework

Listening to George Bush say, “I beleive that marriage is between a man and a woman” over and over again is kind of depressing, even if it’s for the sake of art. This and many other Bush sound bites can be found at

the score for La Koro Sutro arrived today. well, i got it today. fortunately, i’ve been granted a reprieve, so the LKS presentation isn’t until a bit after my Joan of Arc paper is due.