
the hoa board president just came over and related concerns of people who are trying to sell their places and how the temporary structure might affect them. so we’ve got three yes votes and 11 probable nos. Ellen started talking about how she wouldn’t have moved here. why didn’t we talk to her before building the thing? i wasn’t even around then, i was at school.

when my mom was sick, a group of people and I went to see Minority Report at the big megaplex theatre in Mountain View. It was a Tom Cruise movie with lots of action and random violence, although somewhat written by my favorite sci-fi author. I shook the whole time the movie was on, totally overwhelmed, and hoped that nobody would notice me shaking. Afterwards I panicked in the parking lot about whether my mom would take all of the toxic pills that my dad refused to put out of her reach.
i feel like that now.
I couldn’t keep my mom safe. i couldn’t make things work with christi. i can’t garuntee that ellen won’t be cast into fast food jobs. i can’t cant cant do anything. cant do anything but sit here, tiwtiching, blog posting.
I think “i’m an asshole,” but then i think it’s been stressful lately, “this is not who i am.” well, then who the hell am i? i am a failure in relationship. i am someone who lures people here with false promises of working space, then shows up unexpectedly, has a major crisis, acts like an ass, is unable to deliver the promised work space and is totally incabable of dealing with the stress. i can’t go to the dmv without having to breathe deeply the whole time. but, hey, maybe this is not who i am. maybe there is a capable human lurking deep somewhere, maybe out for a holiday, maybe getting a bite for lunch, maybe hiding under the bed.
these woes aren’t even that bad, not like mom swallowing a pile of god-knows-what in the middle of the night. (thank god she never got into the pills. i did not hysterically go insist in the middle of the night that something be done. i can’t remember how this was resolved.) why can’t i function?


Ellen told me the Halvah eases the crushing pain of existence. I think she may be right. I’ve been in the kind of mood lately where thoughts like “I’m an asshole” and “I am a bug splatted on the windshield of life” seem profound. So a short scene came to me on bart.

We walked into Mamounds. “You’ve been so glum lately,” she said, brushing a wisp of her long dark hair from her face. She smiled encouragingly and her hands fluttered gracefully.
The woman behind the counter stared at us impatiently. “Can I help you?” she asked.
“What do you have that eases the crushing pain of life?” I asked.
“Halvah for $1.50” she indicated the display case on the counter.
“Can I have a chocolate one and a turkish coffee?” I asked.
“For here or to go?”
I shrugged at Jessica.
“For here.” Jessica directed.
I got my truck smog checked and registered. It took a long dern time. And I figured out how to record audio on supercollider. The help file has a bug in it. and I wallowed in self loathing/pity for a while.
I talked to two of my neighbors about the temporary structure in the backyard. The Home Owners Association is meeting a week from today to decide if they will compell us to tear it down. Ellen was explaining to me this morning that if she loses the temporary structure, she’ll lose her Seattle gig and be forced to take minimum wage jobs and live in a studio apartment and have a budget to buy a few pieces of drawing paper periodically and dabble in art on weekends.
Please light a candle dedicated to your diety of choice that the association decides to let it stay. their issues are twofold: 1. It didn’t get pre-approval from the design review committee. (my defence: uh sorry. i wasn’t here when it was built.) 2. It may cause water penetration (my defence: it’s only going to stay up until may 2005. the possibility of structural damage in that time is remote. and i would of course be responcible for any repairs required as a result of it’s being there temporarily.)
One neighbor was supportive. the other was on the board. she indicated that people have to face consequences for their errors. So because the review comittee was skipped, there is no way in hell that she would allow it to stay. also, it’s important to keep art in perspective. it has it’s place in life, but that is secondary to property values.
we’re having an open house on saturday so people can see the temporary structure and get an idea of what things are about. of course, neither ellen nor i posses social skills in any significant degree. i fear it will be a disaster. i’m thinking of trying to pull in outside talent to pitch our case.
i don’t have the energy for this. i have important self-loathing to do.
any suggestions from anyone would be extremely welcome.

Kucinich in the news
I got email from his campaign a couple of days ago asking if I and others on his list would call people in Iowa. There was a link to click for a phone list and another link for a phone script. This guy is seriously grassroots. everything he does, he does with the support of people. Not plutocrats or mega corps, but dedicated people who rally to his message of peace and hope. It’s rare that a politician gives a reason for hope. Rarely do they have the honesty. Nader’s got it (hearing him speak is incredible) and Kucinich has got it.

Some dems hate Nader because it’s easier to blame him than widespread election fraud. Those Nader-haters should love Kucinich because he can draw all the traitorous leftists back to the party. A huge number of people didn’t bother to vote last cycle. Gore failed to sufficiently differentiate himself from Bush and many folks concluded that it didn’t matter which of the two evils that they voted for. And, of course, voting for a third party would be “throwing away” a vote. Well, here’s a guy that has a real difference who can bring back disaffected voters and who, as a major party guy, is not a throw-away vote.
Kucinich is the best hope for progressives and the best hope for the Democratic party and a real pacifist, the best hope for the world. We owe it to the world and future generations and to ourselves to at least try to get a progressive into office. Kucinich can win, more than Dean can win or any other dem can win. Kucinich is our best hope.

I want a picture of you

I only have a week left here in sunny California, and then I must return to the austere Northeast, which apparently is having a record-breaking cold snap. I would like it very much if all of my friends could give me a photograph of themselves looking at the camera and smiling. My plan is to thumbtack these to my wall, much as has been done with college dorm rooms since the photograph was invented.

If I don’t see you in the next week, my mailing address is:
Celeste Hutchins
Music Department
Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT 06459

Xena did not run away

People who have called my cell phone have been alarmed at the message, which begins, “if you have found Xena . . ..” This message is pre-emptive. One time, back when I owned a dog called Bear, he ran away from my parents while I was out of town and I got 231421 phone messages about him on my home machine and my worried parents got zero messages (but didn’t contact me for some reason). So when I leave Xena with someone, I make sure that the number on her tag will actually get you some information about her. So my wife and I split and my pickup truck has expired registration, but at least my dog didn’t run away.

It is true

that I cannot know the future and that a possibility exists that maybe one day Christi and I will reconcile, however, despite what you might imagine, it does not make me feel happier if you insist on making this point. I’m sorry if you’re sad about things, but I really must insist that people cease telling me that.

thank you