I have not posted for a long time. It’s because I was bummed. First, there were two news-helicopter situation within blocks of my house in one day. Some folks decided to rob the bank I always use the ATM at. They shot the two folks tring to put money in that self-same ATM and one of them died. And then, in just a few blocks the other direction, a disgruntled ex-employee of some company took hostages and killed himself. These were bad things, but what bummed me out is that nobody called me to see if I was ok. It’s not like I require such a call, since I am ok, and when I used to receive them, I found them midly annoying. But now I am mom-less and receive no such calls. That was the weekend before Thanksgiving.
Of course, the holidays are a major bummer too. I’ve had Thanksgiving with Christi’s family for the last few years, but my god-mother invited my nuclear family over and I was going to accept. My dad told my brother and I both not to accept and he went for some undisclosed third option also. I think he may have sat home alone. This also is a large change, because usually my mom would be trying to convince me to have thanksgiving with her instead of far away, which would be mildly annoying. Now I get told to scram.
But all is not doom and gloom. I saw my last living female relative during this just passed weekend. She was my grandmother’s first cousin and is a nun. She’s elderly and sent some confused communications during my mom’s illness, so I was worried that she wouldn’t be well, but she was doing much better than I expected. We went to see the movie Adaptation with her. those of you who have seen it may be thinking, “that’s not a very nun-friendly movie!” You’re right, it’s not. There was some confusion because it stars Nicholas Cage and she thought it featured John Cage. So it was not at all what she was expecting and since she’s mostly blind, she couldn’t see it very well, which is a good thing for her in this case, I think. The convent nurses told me not to take her to see anything that wasn’t G or PG rated, but they were kidding. I think.
And we saw Christi’s grandpa. Normally, he holds himself ot a very strict schedule, but we threw it all in disarray. Normally he eats a particular TV dinner for each night of the week, but he went out to dinner with us two days in a row, which is unheard of for him. We went to see Christi’s cousin in a school play. The cousin played a head in a box on a table. The play was terrible. The kids did the best they could with what they had, but they really did not have much. It was a valliant effort. christi’s cousin was the best actor in the play. All of the charecters were highly bizarre, yet somehow the cousin managed to be beleivable as a head on a table, no small feat. I’ve heard that their school is in dire economic straits and so has to use plays with very very low royalties. someone needs to write low-royalty plays for highschools.
the auditorium has a WPA mural painted in the foyer. It’s a very nifty mural and it shows workers and other nifty themes. It’s too bad the WPA is over, it was the only time during US history that the government actually supported the arts. This may never happen again.
Christi is reading all of Ned Rorem’s diaries. They’re amusing because of his terribly pretentious bon-mots. I told Christi that I was going to keep a terribly pretentious journal for when I rise to star-dom as a composer. she encouraged me. Then I could publish my journal under the title Self-portrait of the Composer as a Young Woman or something else equally awful. She suggested maybe I just keep a blog. I may need to start another blog, since this one does not adequaltely come off as a celebration of my genius. Ahem. Nevermind.

couples therapy is a lot like that Simpsons episode where they go in for family cousilling and the shrink gives them foam covered bats to hit each other with. then bart realized that you can take the foam off and promptly breaks Homer’s leg. If you didn’t need help before, boy, you sure will afterwards. How this is suppossed to do anybody any good, is beyond me. In times of stress, the guru to turn to is not any shrink you can think of or anyone that advocated airing all of your dirty laundry all at once in an attack-like barrage. no the voice to listen to, the voice of reason is Miss Manners. Clearly what is required in times of stress that people make an extra effort to be polite, not let everything negative out in a vian quest for catharthis.I would rather grow back my wisdom teeth every week and have them removed every week over and over again like that mythical guy whose spleen grew back every night, than go to couples therapy. The wisdom teeth thing is much nicer. Everyone had your best interest in mind and people are nice to you afterwards. Your spouse doesn’t start crying and avoid you. she brings you ice cream instead. Isn’t it better to get ice cream?When I was a kid, my mom dragged me off to family cousilling along with the rest of my family (but i was the primary target). that was pretty miserable. it gave me a terrible opion of shrinks. i decided they were all bad people who tried to sow discord in order to keep themselves employed longer or maybe because they really hate people. I could never tell which. Everyone assured me that going as an adult (even if pretty much against my will) would be very different. Nope. It’s exactly the same. No, it’s worse, becuase I end up paying cash for it at the end. Before it was miserable, but at least it was my parents money.And then I went out to the car afterwards, and there was a parking ticket. Yes, it just gets better and better. No-one will ever get me into a shrink’s office again. I’m going with the they-all-hate-people theory.

Communism has embraced an international outlook from the onset. It has long been recognized than nationalism is nothing more than tool whereby the ruling classes can divide and disunify the workers, thus protecting their ability to exploit the workers for their own greedy ends. Marx himself wrote in The Communist Manifesto, “Workers of the wrold unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains.” The potential gains of the unified, internationalized workers are many. Not the least of which is a hearty breakfast.

The need for a hearty breakfast has long been recognized by eastern bloc countries and was a long term goal of centralized soviet planning. Furthermore, it was recognized that a meeting place was required in the west. A place where those who realized that the international proletariat need a hearty meal to start the day, could identify easily and without prompting. Such a venture was established in 1958 and has since spread throughout the industrialized nations of the USA, Canada and Japan. This venture was completely covert. In every way this meeting place resembles any other buisiness in these countries. Many members of management are unaware. But the workers stand by read to seize the means of production and provide hearty breakfasts to the proletariat in conjunction with a generalized workers strike and communist revolution.

Astute readers should have no trouble recognizing an international provider of pancakes. Perhaps there is one in your town. That is where you can meet your comrades, have a hearty breakfast and discuss the overthrow of the capitalist system. Just ask your server for the “Red Star Pancake Special.”

The yahoo post

“I wonder if global warming also has something to do with the spread of AIDS?”

Now you’ve done it. Given the lefties another idea for another study for another waste of tax dollars. Oh well, they would have spent our money anyway.

The reply

ghost_shape, this is an example of good, right thinking. You are the sort of man that is rare on yahoo boards. Our tax dollars should not be spent by lefties on touchy-feely human rights programs or research into human diseases. Our money should be spent on weapons to defeat the remnants of communism. castro is still there in cuba and he’s armed! china is still communist. Just because the soviet union went underground does not mean that communism is not still a threat.

the rest of our excess money should be returned to the corporations who earned it and their owners.

those lefties are always thinking of ways to divert money from arms and industry into useless studies designed to improve people’s lives. And then they want to spend the rest of it on other touchy-feely things like pancakes breakfasts. documented: http://www.pancakesforpinkos.com

I am brainstorming on a name for this coming art movement. It needs to not be a pre-existing word in english or esperanto and should be free as a .com domain, if at all possible. We live ina world where the intrenet controls names of things to a high degree.
It’s nothing more than post modernist-influenced fluxism. Every movement is some good ideas and a lot of hype. Even if your ideas aren’t necessarily new, they might be good and will have a lot of hype. Historically, music lags 50 – 100 years behind everything else. But John Cage changed all that. With 4’33”, he invented post modernism. He put music in front of the times. That was fifty years ago and pomo is just catching on the mainstream. Music was fifty years ahead of the times. We just need to stand still for fifty more years and we’ll still be running ahead according to normal musical time.
fluxists were into speed. not the drug, the concept. energy, movement. everything was going somewhere. we’re not about that. so we’re not fluxists. but there’s something very endearing about a violin in a bird cage that can’t help but be an influence to me. speed is too eficient. speed is for the internet. i hate the net. i live on the net. i love the net.
so we’re pomo. we worship john cage (just like the fluxists), but are not into speed. we go for the political message of cage. everyone can be an artist. dig it. everything should be automated. right on. overpopulation in art. a comunist and an anarchist agree on this. it’s powerful stuff.
we exault doublethink. an idea and it’s opossite are contradictory but one need not exclude the other. we mock pinkos. we are pinkos. we love and hate everything we stand for. we don’t stand for anything. we are nihilists, but we do not practice or condone nihilism. we would be finding ourselves, but we’re not missing and we enjoy being lost.
We are one-worlders. One planet. Many poeples. One second language. Many cultures. We embrace Esperanto. Universal access.
Just need a name. maybe some coherence. this is version 0.01. go esperanto. now we’ll fill this up with slang. it disturbs me how doublethink me and people my age are. this here is the groovy zone. groovy is not a cool word. it’s old and dated and thus is cheesy. so using it is ironic. which is funny. which is cool. so groovy both is and is not a cool word at the same time. everything is like that. Maoism. Sunday comics. Pancakes.
This is incoherent, but it is late at night. and coherence is good and bad at the same time.

I’ve been posting comunist rantings to yahoo news buliten boards, mainly under the name “hungry_pinko,” to promote http://www.pancakesforpinkos.com. In short, the people don’t need [news story subject], they need healthcare, education, housing, jobs and a hearty breakfast. (I support http://www.pancakesforpinkos.com).
The differnce between me and Mitch is that he’s a libretarian and I really do have big leftist leanings. The proletariat do need all of that and adequate vacation time too. I support the UN charter thingee on human rights. In fact, screw the economy. What we need is housing, healthcare, education, lesiure time, art, music, books and hearty breakfasts. I say we pick a few consumer goods we really like and fully automate their production. then we make sure all the food gets to where it needs to go, but we switch to sustainable agriculture. We don’t need to export and destroy farmers overseas. Screw that. Farmers are highly estemeed. Then we keep making medical stuff. Doctors are highly esteemed. And we still have schools and school stuff like textbooks and crayons, only the textbooks are not full of lies. Teachers are highly esteemed. And we make passive solar houses out of stuff we have sitting around and other highly eficient building materials. Civil Engineers, materials scientists and construction workers are highly esteemed, but quite a bit rarer than they are now. We have millions of acres of wasted retail space which will be converted to other pruposes. We may not need to build buildings except after earthquakes and the like, or maybe for big art shows, like the Bienalle. And everyone who is not a farmer, train worker (train workers are highly esteemed), doctor, nurse (nurses are highly esteemed), teacher, janitor (supremely highly esteemed), civil engineer, construction worker or material engineer can go and work in the publishing industry (also esteemed) or be a scroungy unesteemed artist, musician or writer. Most everyone can and will make art, so why esteem it unless it’s exceptional? Anyway, the proletariat need more compassion, less conservativism, respect for their humam rights and a hearty breakfast.

a funny thing happened when i was walking to my friend’s car after the
OtherMinds film festival (which was great, btw). I was walking up Market
Street in San Francisco, away from Castro when I stepped over something on
the sidewalk. My friend said, “Is that a Moog?”

So I looked back at the box i just stepped over and it said “Octave Cat”
on it. I went for a closer look. No knobs. No insides, just a power
transformer. It was dark and rainging out. I said, “Grab it!”

So now I have an empty Octave Cat cover sitting in my studio. It’s in
pretty good shape, considering. A couple of dings, but all the text on
the outside looks good. couple of scratches below the keys (or rather,
where the keys belong). It’s a good looking case all in all.

And it could be YOURS for FREE! You pickup or pay shipping. This is a
limitted time offer. The garbage collection comes one week from today.
You may be thinking, “Why would I need a cover? I already have an Octave
Cat cover for my Octave Cat.” Well, maybe your cover has become
illegible. Maybe you’re looking for “street cred.” Maybe you have always
wanted a wild and crazy paint job for your wild and crazy sound, but
couldn’t bring yourself to modify your one and only cover for it.

What I have exactly: Top and sides (no bottom) of metal cover for an
octave Cat (or so it claims) with a transformer inside (untested). All of
this was recovered from the side walk of Market Street by Castro. If you
see something with keys and electronics lying in the street there, I may
have the other piece!

This lovely, hardly abused cover will go to the first person who contacts
me. It is available for pickup in sunny Berkeley, California, USA. I may
be persuaded to drop it by your place if you’re someplace nearby and have
a good sob story about lack of transportation. I can also bring it to
Palo Alto residents, since I have an Esperanto class at Stanford and I
have to go to Palo Alto once a week anyway.

A while back, I emailed Senator Dianne Feinstein to ask her to vote against the war resoltuion that Bush was asking for. She voted for it and it passed. So perhaps soon, a bunch of young folks, perhaps some friends of mine, will march off to kill and get killed so that the stockholders of chevron can make an extra fifty cents a share. Biodiesel is the future, people. Carpool and ride busses or people will die horrible deaths to feed the plutocratic industrialist criminal swine!
I seem to be off on a tangent, like one might find at Pancakes for Pinkos. But my coming point is important and I don’t want to trvialize it, so listen up:
Today, I received email back from Feinstein telling me that she had to disagree with me. At the bottom was the statement she made on the senate floor. Part of it is very intestesting. She says, “I serve as the Senior Senator from California, representing 35
million people. That is a formidable task. People have weighed in
by the tens of thousands. If I were just to cast a representative vote
based on those who have voiced their opinions with my office and
with no other factors I would have to vote against this resolution.” Then she goes on to explain that she voted in favor of war anyway, despite the wishes of her constituents. So, in effect, our congress people are knowling going against the will of the people. Our “elected” representatives hide behind “secret data” and “intelligence reports” which are invariably revelaed to be either utterly lacking or a pack of lies. The truth of the matter is that we’ve launched the cruelest embargo in history against iraq with sanctions that cause thousands of people to die and Bush Sr, Clinton and Bush Jr shuold be tried as war criminals for their rolse in it. No wonder we’re opposed to the world court tribunal in The Hauge.
Feinstein is a tool of corporate criminals and war profiteers. I use the word “elected” in quotes, because most peope realize that a vote for either major party is futile and stay home. When the people try to weigh in directly on issues of dire importance, they are ignored. The only hope for change is direct action. Howard Zinn notes in A People’s History of the United States that every political movement that as sought to create change through the ballot box has fizzled out, while direct action in the frm of wildcat strikes and civil disobediance has been tremendously successful. We need to be out in the street. Write the letters to the “representatives,” but back it up with action. The mass protest is mightier than the pen.