Oh my god, i am so cheesy. i cannot in good conscience attempt to be vegan when i am such a major source of cheese. everything just goes all wrong but it just keeps going to the bitter, cheesy end. aig. christi will hear this and leave me for a better composer.

Ways for Oregon to Raise Money

  • Bake Sale
  • Mentally Ill kissing booth
  • Toll on Californians
  • Prison labor
  • Parent’s U-teach Skool Daze!
  • Eldery Person Dunk Tank: Three chances to sink grandma for a dollar!
  • Two attendants must now pump your gas for you (rasining income tax revenues)
  • Spotted Owl Cook Off
  • Add another couple of stories to Powells, make money off of sales tax … oops, nevermind
  • Skip seismic retrofits
  • Max Riders must now drive the trolley themselves

Semantic Question

Is it immoral, unethical or both to napalm children in Cambodia?
It distresses me that some politicians equate morality with accepting Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior, even as they prepare to bomb the heck out of Iraq, a war that will kill 500,00 children or more (brining the child death toll by US action in Iraq up over 1 million). Source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2003/01/27/international0803EST0510.DTL
Perhaps morality should have something to do with right action? Chomsky calls himself a moralist. Maybe he could be persuaded to run on the Green Party ticket next time. Chomsky/Zinn in 2004!

Political Past

If I were an ex-libretarian, I don’t think I’d admit it on the first date. Maybe the third or the fourth.
“Do you want to go steady with me?”
“Yes, but there’s something you should know. I used to be a . . . libretarian!”
Yikes! But I’m a socialist now, you explain. No longer beleive in letting sick people die or putting old folks out on the street or leaving kids uneducated. By the way, did you see the news today? Oregon Libretarians are pleased as punch that a new tax raise has been defeated, so kids will now have the shortest school year in the nation. It’s the Mississippi of the northwest! (and how many Oregonian kids will soon be able to spell the name of that notorious spelling-bee question state?)
Well, ok, Libretarians claim there’s money out there to pay for these programs. The state just needs to cut other things. No word on what these things would be. Maybe Oregon has a gigantic prison system like California and could parole people occasionally and save millions. I can’t find the article from this morning’s newspaper on the website, but here’s a releated article: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2003/01/29/state1728EST7087.DTL

State of the Union

What I’m learning:

  • Cutting taxes will raise government revenue and get rid of the deficit.
  • We need everyone fto have healthcare. Nationalized healthcare would reduce healthcare. It’s the opposite of what we need.
  • up is down
  • black is white
  • right is left
  • republicans are not evil
  • the average american family doesn’t need any services.
  • The president hates the middle class and thinks we’re all idiots.