I was just thinking, the National Brain tumor Foundation publishes all these little booklets called things like Brain Tumors: What You Should Know. I had at least thirty little pamphets, all with names like that. There’s a key section that’s missing from every single one of these. They need to say:

You will be getting radiation. There is no treatment aside from radiation. Everything we’ve been telling about other treatment techniques only applies to people with surface tumors and even for them most of this is just experimental stuff we’re hoping will work, but that you can’t actually get. Anyway, even if you want to try something experimental, you’ll still need radiation first. Make sure that when you get a referral to a neuro-oncologist, you get a referal to a radiation oncologist right then at the same time from the same doctor. It takes forever to get on calendars. You don’t have forever. Get the referals now. And don’t wait for second opinions unless the first doctor seems hesitant. You will be getting radiation. You don’t need another doctor to tell you that too. There is no other treatment. If you get diagnosed in the summer time, you don’t need to go see a head of a department at the university. It’s better to get on the calendar of somebody less prestigious than to wait weeks.
The chances that you found out about this before it was critical are slim. Who really goes to the doctor for headaches? You’ve just had a big piece of your brain cut out. You had no idea anything was going on until you had a seizure or stroke-like symptoms. All the optomistic statistics people have been giving you mostly apply to people who are younger than you are and who by some freak stroke of luck had their tumors detected early. You are probably not in that group. Every day counts for you. If you want treatment, you need it today, not three or four weeks from now. Get on calendars as fast as possible and as soon as possible. Skip as many steps of beauracracy as you can. Get as many referals as possible from your brain surgeon and make sure that they’re for people who actually will be working directly on your treatment. You can get a treatment plan in place for radiation before you go see the head neuro-oncologist. This saves you several days. Important days, right after the surgery, when the tumor is cut down and you have more of chance. You’ll be getting radiation. Get it as soon as you can.

What I did today… er… yesterday

Finally lined up my third letter of recommendation. Christi’s boss is going to write one. He’s the director of Other Minds, which I did some volunteer work for. Actually, kind of a lot of volunteer work, some of it skilled w/ pro-tools and stuff. It’s so awesome that he’s going to write a letter.
Wesleyan wants a writing sample. I have exactly one paper left from school. It’s the tuba paper on my website. The spelling is being fixed. God knows why I handed in a paper without running a spell check on it. As I recall, finding research materials on the history of the tuba turned out to be somewhat challenging (go figure) and I think I turned in the paper late. This is an ill-omened paper all the way around. The graphics and the bibliography all got lost in the giant system crash of 1997. (Teeth were gnashed. Wails arose from the valley. The one server at Mills that handled everything had a head crash and all was lost and the campus was offline for a month or maybe just a week, anyway, I was lucky even part of my paper survived. All the rest of my papers were lost when the disk on my old server gave up the ghost. I think that if I reassembled the computer with the old motherboard, the old disk controller and the old disks, they would probably work again, if I could re-discover all those hardware settings from the time before auto-detect. But that’s a lot of work for what might be a low payoff. Academic writing was never my strongest point. I used to joke that’s why I took music and computer science, because of the dearth of required papers.) Well, it wasn’t entirely ill-omened. I got email from the principal tubist of the Vienna Philharmonic asking about the biliography because he was interested in my paper. I’m going to be able to email him back with some answers, because today I went to the Mills library to try to re-construct my bibliography. I was not 100% successful in this quest, but I did manage to identify who all the authors are (probably) and direct readers to their web pages or books by them that are at least on the same subject. Christi is telling me not to worry about this too much and maybe I should just submit one of my many political manifestos.
And, while at Mills, I got my transcript requests. I still need to worry about transcripts from the Junior College I went to a long long time ago. I was still in highschool at the time. My theory is that it shouldn’t count, even if I did transfer in credits towards my degree. Sheesh, I transfered in AP Test credits too. I hope I don’t need to go scare those up.
Mills is on break, but I still ran into several people, including a CS professor, Susan Wang. We chatted a bit. And I ran into Maggi Payne, my composition teacher who is writing a letter for me. We talked about people she knew at all the schools I’m looking at. Everyone went to Mills. I need to talk a lot more about CCM in my statements. And then, in the library, I ran into Sharon. It’s nice seeing familiar faces.
And then I had to run someplace else to drop off forms and then I had to get Christi and take her someplace. And then we went to Gaylords for coffee and ran into Luoi, Fausto and Timananana. Yay! More happy people! I usually don’t see so many people in a week.
And now I am somewhat procrastinating on filling out my calarts application, since I’m not sure about listing my Community College stuff or not. I guess I have to. Something is amiss with my printer and the colors are not lining up 100%, so everything is slightly blurry. The application is in color. None of the text is actually black, it’s some trendy shade of grey. I understand being as artistic as possible when designeing printed material for an arts college, but when you’re publishing a PDF on the web for folks to use, it’s important to consider technological limittations. Gray-scale is good. Black text is good. Design for the common-person and her cheap printer! Oh…. I should make Mitch print it.
Anyway, all of this is wayyyy too last minute. I haven’t been this last-second since I was an undergrad. I’m too old for this now. I might put it off till next year, except now I’ve got all these other people involved. Anyway, I’m so busy, I hardly even have time to mourn! I think I want to go crawl into a hole and lie there quietly for several days.

Statement of Purpose – CalArts

When I was in high school, I had to decide between pursuing a career in computer programming or in professional tuba playing. On the advice of my tuba teacher, I chose computer science. In college, I finished all the requirements for my major by my junior year, so I took music classes and got interested in composition. I graduated with two majors.

I started a professional career in computer programming, the plan I chose for economic reasons. It wasn’t long before I realized that studying computer science is interesting, but day-to-day programming is not. I had a hard time fitting in the culture of Silicon Valley. When I got laid off in 2001, I didn’t look for a job right away, but instead considered making a career change to music, but as a composer, rather than as a tuba player.

Last spring I attended the Composing a Career Conference sponsored by the Women’s Philharmonic. Almost everyone else there had a master’s degree and the presenters all assumed they were speaking to a master’s-level audience. Realizing I needed more education, I started looking into graduate programs. Yours caught my interest because of your reputation and your composition � new media program.

I am a noise artist. Primarily, I do tape music, but I would like to branch out to writing for live electronic performance. Your composition-new media program is exciting since it seems to be set up for people with my goals and experience. Your reputation and faculty greatly impress me. I hope to study with Mortin Subotnic, because of his work with MIDI performance tools. His MIDI Jacket is fascinating because of how it links music to gesture. I would like to study the creation and usage of similar tools for application in my own compositions.

Did I spell Subotnic’s name right? Did he really invent the MIDI jacket or do I have him confused with someone else? Must double-check. Subotnic, along with Pauline oliveros, was a cofounder of the SF Tape Music Center, which later became CCM. I should talk more about stuff I did at CCM. I saw the MIDI jacket live in concert at the SF Electronic Music Festival. I stood behind Subotnic in line for the bathroom and asked him a million questions about it, sicne it’s just so dern facinating. He didn’t seem to mind at all and was very cool about answering questions and talking about things he built. I think he used to to be at STEIM. STEIM is really awesome center for new sounds creation devices (especially MIDI stuff in the old days) that’s in Amsterdam. When I was in Amsterdam, I stopped by STEIM, but they were busy setting up for a concert in Switzerland and sisn’t have time to talk to tourists. I name-dropped like crazy and half the names were set to perform in their concert. anyway. maybe i should try to get an interview with calarts.

My dog has just discovered her reflection and is growling visciously at the window. If only she would approach the window in freindship, she would find a friend waiting there, but instead she’s about to get into nuclear conflict with the window.I can’t wait till she notices her shadow

Good news

CalArts says that if I get them an app within a couple of weeks, they’ll look at it.

Bad News

My CS advisor told me to ask Matthew Merzbacher instead. I have no email address for him. — but he’s in the phone book! yay!

Um ok, so what have I done since college. I had a couple of programming jobs and then I was uh consulting. And um finding myself. (Can you still do that or is it a generational thing?). um I travelled extensively. I volunteered for Other Minds. I wrote some tape music. I had a promising percussion ensemble which evaporated after it’s first gig, since i didn’t schedule any rehersals after my mom got sick. Um I flaked on a lot of things. Um, I learned esperanto. I worked on libretto which I couldn’t finish. I played in a band that couldn’t quite get it together and then broke up. I think I could put a positive spin on this… This is to give to somebody to write a recommendation anyway, not for the school, so maybe I can be a bit more honest.
After I got laid off, I started consulting, and did an installation at the second Wednesday art series at the Exploratorium but then within a couple of months Christi got laid off too, so we spent a few months traveling in Europe. Then, when we got back, I started volunteering at Other Minds, since Christi had a job there. I did some tape editing for them in addition to grunt work, of course. Christi and I organized a percussion ensemble and I wrote some percussion music and, of course, some tape music. I submitted tapes to a bunch of festivals, but only Woodstockhausen wanted to play one. The percussion group played at an opening for somebody’s art showing at a cafe. I got some songs played on pirate and internet radio and Ibol Records put out a compilation with a couple of my songs on it. I wrote a max application that generated algorithmic melodies. I took an Esperanto class at Stanford and can now speak it, but not fluently. I had been kind of “finding myself” and things were really coming together last June. I was the web engineer for the International Iguana Foundation and Jack Straw Productions (Joan Rabinowitz, specifically) was interested in a trombone piece I wrote. But then my mom got cancer and I haven’t done anything since except submit a score to Jack Straw for a toy piano nonette. They were supposed to let people know yesterday, but I haven’t heard anything.

GRE Word Usage:

I started to tell her it was a case of mistaken identity, but Shelia ground her high heel into my foot. I recognized this tatic as didactic.
“There’s been a real dearth of you around here. You didn’t even call.” The cat-suited woman said.
I tried to look contrite, hoping Shelia would give me a clue.
Shelia rose to the occasion. “JK, we meet at last.” She held out her hand to shake.
JK gave Shelia a contentious look, but spoke to me instead, “I suppose she is the reason you haven’t been around?” She jerked her thumb at Shelia.
“Oh! Not at all!” I demurred. “I’ve been an unwilling guest of Dr. Cool.”
Jk laughed with derision. “How credulous do you think I am?”
“Darling,” I thought fast, “I’m culpable for clumsiness only. I foolishly fell into a trap. But at no time did I stop thinking of you.”
Jk launched into a diatribe, pointing out any and all of Mr. Anderson’s sins. she pointed out each fault as if she was a connoisseur of shortcomings. I could barely maintina my decorum during the onslaught, and I wasn’t even the intended target.
I tried desperately to think up any excuse, no matter how convoluted in fear she might push us into the mutant corn. But I knew she would only react with cynicism to anything I might say.
Finally, Shelia just interrupted her, “What do you do with highly caustic corn?”
JK halted, mid-rant, “We desiccate it and mail it to Flagstaff.”
Shelia said, “To Acme toxic waste, right? I read a research article about it, but it seemed like the article had been desiccated before publishing.”
JK said, “I think research articles are like that by convention. Here, get in my dune buggy and I’ll take you to our secret lair.”
It was the same dune buggy Dr. Cool had captured us in earlier. Was this another trap?

Calarts applications are due today. Well, clearly i’m on top of things…

The Fall 2003 application deadline is Monday, January 6, 2003. All applications which are complete by the deadline are reviewed by the faculty; those received after the deadline are reviewed in the order received if there is still space available in the program applied for.

I must resist the urge to call them tomorrow and ask if there is space left. No I should call them and ask if they think there might be space left.
So this leaves me with Mills, Wesleyan and maybe Bowling Green, but probably not, since none of the faculty’s name rings a bell and it’s in Ohio and the only reason I’ve heard of them is cuz they run a big festival every year that rejected me last year. I can’t beleive that I missed the application deadline for one of my three main schools. aug, i don’t deserve to get into grad school. If I don’t get into Mills or Wesleyan, I’m going nowhere.
nothing is going according to plan. i had a big five year plan. i was on my way to seattle last june, as a part of my plan, to visit a studio run by a firendly woman i met at a confrence, when i got a panicked phone call from my dad. since then, my plan has been off track.
there is a gigantic blister on the middle finger of my right hand from adventures in bass playing (second rehersal of the new band) and from using oil pastels on the cover of an old pizza box. Did you know that Munch painted almost a hundred versions of The Scream and many of them are on cardboard? There’s a Munch museum in Oslo with all of them on display. Travel broadens you.
My Wesleyan alum contact told me to try to get a letter of recommendation from Pauline Oliveros. I can imagine this conversation, “Hi, do you remember me? I was your driver at the OtherMinds festival last year. You’ve never heard my music, but I really need a letter of recommendation.”
Or maybe I can use other famous composers I met at OM. “Hi, Annea Lockwood, I lent you a jacket and you sent me a record. . ..” If I were smarter I would have given all of those people CDs. Missed opportunities. 20/20 hindsight. I’m screwed.

When you are trying to decide who to ask for recommendations, kep these criteria in mind. The people you ask should:

  • have a high opinion of you
  • know you well, preferably in more than one context
  • be familiar with your field (It won’t do you much good to have a glowing letter of recommendation from your manager at the insurance company if you are applying to a program in history or social work.)
  • be familiar with the program to which you are appling
  • have taight a large number of students (or have managed a large number of employees) so they have a good basis upon which to compare you (favorably!) to your peers
  • be recognized by the admissions committe as someone whose opinion can be trusted
  • have good writing skills
  • be reliable enough to write and mail the letter on time

A tall order? Yes. It’s likely that no one person you choose will meet all of these criteria, but try to find people who come close to this ideal.

Um, so that gives me, um, my composition teacher from Mills and ummm… maybe some other mills music faculty whom i have not talked to in five years. Maybe I coudl get some generic statements from old bosses about how i was hard worker… except that i was mostly lazy… um…

Join the fun, fast-paced world of writing recommendation letters!

Feel like you could write a letter of recommendation? Do you meet the above requirements, or at least some/most of them? Then, for the love of god, drop me a line, since I have no idea where or who you might be (that’s just a joke! of course I was thinking of you! How have you been! Great hearing from you! heh heh help.)