Semantic Question

Is it immoral, unethical or both to napalm children in Cambodia?
It distresses me that some politicians equate morality with accepting Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior, even as they prepare to bomb the heck out of Iraq, a war that will kill 500,00 children or more (brining the child death toll by US action in Iraq up over 1 million). Source:
Perhaps morality should have something to do with right action? Chomsky calls himself a moralist. Maybe he could be persuaded to run on the Green Party ticket next time. Chomsky/Zinn in 2004!

Political Past

If I were an ex-libretarian, I don’t think I’d admit it on the first date. Maybe the third or the fourth.
“Do you want to go steady with me?”
“Yes, but there’s something you should know. I used to be a . . . libretarian!”
Yikes! But I’m a socialist now, you explain. No longer beleive in letting sick people die or putting old folks out on the street or leaving kids uneducated. By the way, did you see the news today? Oregon Libretarians are pleased as punch that a new tax raise has been defeated, so kids will now have the shortest school year in the nation. It’s the Mississippi of the northwest! (and how many Oregonian kids will soon be able to spell the name of that notorious spelling-bee question state?)
Well, ok, Libretarians claim there’s money out there to pay for these programs. The state just needs to cut other things. No word on what these things would be. Maybe Oregon has a gigantic prison system like California and could parole people occasionally and save millions. I can’t find the article from this morning’s newspaper on the website, but here’s a releated article:

State of the Union

What I’m learning:

  • Cutting taxes will raise government revenue and get rid of the deficit.
  • We need everyone fto have healthcare. Nationalized healthcare would reduce healthcare. It’s the opposite of what we need.
  • up is down
  • black is white
  • right is left
  • republicans are not evil
  • the average american family doesn’t need any services.
  • The president hates the middle class and thinks we’re all idiots.

Status Update

  1. Mills College Application – due Feb 1st – status: first draft
  2. Woodwind dectet for Bowling Green – postmark deadline Feb 3rd – status: trainwreck after one minute, thirty seconds
  3. Women’s Phil database of doom – due 2 weeks – status: not started
  4. women’s phil research for composer biographies – due 2 weeks – status: not started

arg! I’m doomed!
I don’t have enough energy for all of this. why did i agree to all these projects?
there’s also a call for tapes for “radio” music in Taos. That actually pays the top three tapes. God knows what radio-specific things would have to be. Prolly compressed with stuff only in certain audio ranges. Loud, noisy stuff.
And the airwaves thingee is not going to write itself.
If I want to do an installation in seattle, the proposal needs to get written soon.
My name got on a list for doing a radio show for Minnesota Public Radio. I can certainly make time for that, it would be awesome. It might actually pay too, which is better than things have been. Apparently a lot of ex-dot-commies have been working on stuff for no money, living off of savings, or whatever. So I’m not the only not-slacking slacker, which is good.
I still don’t have enough energy, tho. I’m going back to bed. Maybe I can have a few more hours of that oh-so-restful dream where my mom screams at me about getting crappy medical care.

Esperanto toughts

I think that if you say, Mi sentas vin purpure, it means I sense you while purple. wheras, if you want to say I sense you purplely, you would sing, Mi purpure sentas vin, since I think that adverbs modify the word comming immediately after them. the rythm is not as good, though. so why not, Mi vin purpure sentas?

Coffee House pseudo-intellectual

Somebody recently called me a “coffee house pseudo-intellectual.” Hrm, that makes me thirsty. Maybe I should go get a decaf soy latte. It’s like coffee-flavored protein.
anyway, apparently my offense was citing FAIR and Noam Chomsky. So if you unquestioningly repeat the lies of the administration “iraq kicked out weapons inspectors in 1998,” you can be a real coffee house intellectual, but if you cite a source which quotes the Washington Post or the New York Times or the actual words of former leader-types, why, then you’re a faker. Intellectual, clearly then, equals liar. Or at least one who does no fact checking or research.
I could dilligently check all facts myself by looking through newspapers from 1998, but I’m lazy. somebody has already done this for me. Too bad fact checking groups are tainted.
We will never have truth in this country when those who tell the truth are so perfectly denigrated. It’s like there’s an official list of dilligent researchers to ignore. I mean, it’s one thing to drag the name of Rush Limbaugh through the mud, but he gets all of his information from the backs of cerial boxes and the klan website. People who do real research must suck unless they spout the biased company line of whoever is currently elected.
In short, I’d rather be a “coffee house pesudo-intellectual” (mmmm… soy latte) than an outright idiot.

Recipie: baked bananananana

Preheat Oven to 375 degrees F. Bake bananana for abour 20 minutes. Make a sauce in the last few minutes.



  • 2.5 Tablespoons sugar
  • dollop mollaseses
  • Tablespoon or so shredded coconut
  • Tablespoon cocoa
  • Tablespoon margarine
  • Dash cinamon
  • Dash ginger powder

in a small saucepan. add enough water to form a paste. Put on low heat to melt margarine. When that’s melted, add half a shot of brandy. Keep cooking on low heat. If it’s too pasty, add more water until it gets saucy. You could optionally carmelize this
When it’s done, (when the time is up or the banana starts leaking onto the floor of your oven), remove the banaana. Using mits, remove the peel and put the bananana on a plate. Spoon the sauce over this. Eat. Serves one.
I’m trying to gain weight…

Computer Resume for Mills College Supplemental Application

Celeste Hutchins
Computer Resume

Languages: Java, Perl, CGI scripting, C/C++, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, MAX
Operating Systems: Linux, Solaris, MacOS, IRIX, NeXTSTEP


AOL/Netscape Mountain View, CA
AOL Online Music
Product Manager
October 2000 – February 2001
  • Product design
  • Writing PRDs
  • Researching data sets
Open Directory Project
Software Engineer
February 1999 – October 2000
  • Wrote web-based tools for editors in perl
  • Apache Server configuration
  • Processed and pushed RDF and search data to
Isadra Inc. Palo Alto, CA
Software Engineer August 1998 – February 1999
  • Java Servlet programming for JavaWebServer
  • Trouble-shooting cooperative commerce algorithms
  • Finding and fixing software bugs
  • Set up intranet
Whole Bean Software Oakland, CA
Founder December 1996 – October 1997
  • Attempted to start a software company to produce a real time java chat application for the web.
Multimedia Resources Inc. Portland, OR
Intern May – August 1996
  • Wrote Java applets
  • Wrote CGI Scripts in Perl / server parsed HTML
Tetherless Access Limited Sunnyvale, CA
Intern May – August 1995
  • Tested / fixed software for wireless routers
  • Implemented new features for the wireless router software
  • Documented router software and networking
  • Wrote man pages
Mills College Information Technical Services Oakland, CA
Student Worker August 1994 – November 1996
  • Maintained subnets of NeXT machines and Macintoshes
  • System administration including user support
  • HTML Authoring
  • Researched software for potential purchasing
  • Wrote user documentation

Mills College B.A. May 1998
Majors: Computer Science and Electronic Music

Informal Experience:

  • Belong to a co-location coop, where members share root responsibilities and keep the server up
  • Run and program for a MOO (similar to a MUD but object oriented)

Extra-Curricular Activities:

  • Expanding Your Horizons workshop leader (95 – 97)
  • (EYH is a math, science, and computer workshop for 6th – 12th grade girls)
  • Mills College Academic Board chair
  • ACM Programming Contest contestant (96-97)