You can get really used to being unpopular

Grad schools like me. I don’t know what to think. Then I get you’re-great email from somebody on a mailing list I’m subbed to. . .. Don’t these people realize that I was the second grader chasing people around with snot? I’m not cool. My music is amaturish. I can’t spell. If I were a better person, I’d be marching with the anarcho-communists against war, not messing around with burgeouise music and graduate school. Or I’d at least have the tapes and music done for tomorrow done by now. I at least got my trio written. The name is a pun. In Esperanto, it means “[the Esperanto name of my Esp teacher] Trio.” Bilingually, it means “Trio Trio.” In English, It’s “Trio [Proper Noun].” I have a midifile of it that goes way too fast and I can’t slow it down because protools is broken again. Listen to Trio Triopo. Of course, it’s completely student-y, since I’ve never written for those instruments before. I don’t even know if the flute will be drowned out irl or what.


Looking for tuba in all the wrong places

londonjack76: hello there
londonjack76: how r u doing???
electrogirls: hi
electrogirls: i’m looking for a sousaphone
electrogirls: do you have one?
londonjack76: what is that ??
londonjack76: please explain
electrogirls: it’s a type of tuba designed for playing while walking or marching
electrogirls: a regular tuba would be ok too, as long as there was a way to walk with it
londonjack76: hehe i am so stoned
londonjack76: and i can barely understant
londonjack76: d
londonjack76: what is a tuba
electrogirls: a tuba is a musical instrument.
electrogirls: it’s very low and usually made out of brass (but someties also plastic)
electrogirls: it sounds like “oompa oompa”
londonjack76: ahh wow i was so confused
londonjack76: i thought is was some sex tool
londonjack76: hehehe
electrogirls: there’s like 3 or 4 feet tall and weigh 60 lbs. you’d need a big bed to have sex with a tuba involved
electrogirls: they’re wide too
londonjack76: escellent
londonjack76: sexcellent
electrogirls: i guss not that much bigger than a really fat fifth grader
londonjack76: tahts good
londonjack76: so sorry no i dont have one
londonjack76: heheh are were you expecting me to have one of those??
electrogirls: maybe you have a friend with one?
londonjack76: comeon now
londonjack76: hehe i dont think so
electrogirls: i’m looking for a cheap one to play during anti-war riots
electrogirls: i don’t want to take my good one out in the street in case it gets clubbed by a cop or hit with a tear gas canister
londonjack76: yeah i agree with you
londonjack76: nopes i dont sorry
electrogirls: it would totally suck if a tear gas canister went in the bell (the bell is then end that sound comes out of, about 4 feet in diameter)
londonjack76: so your going to the riot??
electrogirls: you’d probably never be able to play it again without accidentally gassing people
electrogirls: well, i try to avoid riots
electrogirls: they’re dangerous
londonjack76: i know
londonjack76: are a cute women ??
londonjack76: if you are dont go
electrogirls: but sometimes you can be marching down the street, minding your own vuisiness with a few hundred other people, just blocking traffic and playing tunes
electrogirls: and then suddenly cops with tear gas and clubs are after you
londonjack76: hehe guys will be all after you ( drunk guys )
londonjack76: heheh
electrogirls: the women being arrested in san francisco on thursday were really really vute
electrogirls: cute
electrogirls: after guys started seeing them being arrested, tey went out to be arrested too
londonjack76: heheh i wouldlove to be arrested with a cute women
londonjack76: why dont we get arrested together
londonjack76: 🙂
electrogirls: anti-war protesters are hela cute
electrogirls: hella
electrogirls: (hella means “very”)
electrogirls: well, getting arrested would be fun, but a i need a cheap sousaphone first
londonjack76: ahh
londonjack76: hehe you and the sousaphone
londonjack76: hehe
electrogirls: a sousaphone is a tuba kind of shaped like a hula-hoop
electrogirls: you see them in marching bands
londonjack76: yeah i get it
londonjack76: now i know

Me, I want a sousaphone

If you see a sousaphone or marching tuba for free or cheap, I’m looking for one. I suddenly realized that I do not want to take my lap tuba to street protests. Anyway, if you see a free tuba or sousaphone, please grab it or let me know about it.
I figured that renting one is as bad as buying one, sicne I’d still have all the liability if something happened to it. Obviously, I would endeavor to treat any member of the tuba family with the utmost care, respect and dignity, but street protests being what they are… I saw cops moving bikes and letting them fall to their sides. Then I had a dream that they dropped my brass horn! aieee! I woke up screaming. So I’d actually prefer a fiberglass horn, since they can take it with no more than a scuffing. Anyway, so if you see one even with gaping holes in it, I can fix those. Massive valve problems I might not be able to fix, but gaping holes are no problem!


Yesterday Morning

Most of the folks getting arrested looked to be around 19. Most seemed to
be women. I think it would be a great way to meet chicks. They were
/hot/. Being on the prison bus is probably better than watching TATU on
TV. (I’ve just learned that TATU is not really lesbians. They’re faking
it for marketting purposes. I’m devestated.)

Wednesday in Oakland

The alarming looking gun I saw near the federal building was for teargas. I saw a lot more of them yesterday.

Tuba playing

the band I briefly played tuba with is mentioned in the Chronicle today:

The Brass Liberation Orchestra marched in and out of every intersection they could reach, blasting songs like, “Get Up, Stand Up.” At Beale and Market streets, even the cops stared agog while the 20-piece ensemble oom-pah-pahed right past their stiff ranks.

disrupting san francisco


So my housemate, Tiffany, and I met up in dowtown San Francisco this morning around
10:00 or so. Protestors were chained to large cement garbage cans in
Market Street near 2nd. People were banging on drums and dancing around.
Then the police got into formation and started marching around. They told
everyone to get out of the street or face arrest. Most folks got out of
the street and then the cops started very calmly arresting people one at a
time. It all seemed very civil. The people waiting to be handcuffed
seemed to be having amikable conversations with the cops. They were sat
down, cuffed, then one by one phtographed and put onto a bus.
Then the fire department showed up and started cutting through the pipe
and chain binding the chained-up protesters together. the police were
getting frustrated and treating non-cooperative protesters roughly. they
dropped one woman to the ground and twisted her arms back painfully. When
she said she was in pain, the guy supervising said her pain was nothing
compared to what she had caused commuters that morning.
The bus filled up. People on it were singing “We all Live in a Yellow
Submarine.” they drove away to cheers from the crowd. The crowd was
non-confrontational. They were shouting things like, “SFPD, 99% of the
time, you’re the greatest!” And there were hundreds of cops. We
outnumbered them, but there sure were a lot of them.
The problem for them was like the story of the person trying to move the
ocean with an eyedropped. When they got an intersection cleared, we just
moved down a block and stopped traffic there. People in office buildings
stared down at us. work was stopping.


Tiffany and I walked to the Civic Center for the noon rally. There
were hardly any cops around. The mood was more stressed, but still
carnival like. Some speakers shouted. I purchased some sketchy food that
will probably result in food poisoning.
All of us marched over to the federal building and surrounded it. People
handed out flyers on upcoming protests, other political campaigns and how
to be and stay a non-violent protestor.

We blocked traffic around the federal building. People sat in front of
the parking garage exits. There were a few more cops, but not many. A
reporter asked a cop behind me how they were planning on getting people
out of the building. the cop said he didn’t know. My father-in-law used
to work in that building, I’m pretty sure. Stopping the Forrest Service
doesn’t seem super-productive. Anyway, it seemed like that if folks
wanted out, the protesters would not only have let them out, but would
have cheered them for leaving work. going back might have been a problem,
it seemed, but then later I heard folks verbally discouraging a court
reporter from going to work, and he got in anyway.
Some guy was holding a sign that said “Puke for Peace.” I just read a
news report that said that 300 people actually did vomit as protest.
I walked up the street and saw a marching band and asked them about
joining, explaining that I want to get a marching harness for my lap tuba. The
suosaphone player was exhausted. It was 2:00-something and he’d been
playing since 7:00 AM and the wind was very gusty, which is hell for
sousaphones with their big bell facing forward. So I marched and played a
couple of songs. There was no printed music. He told me the songs were
in d and F mostly, so I faked it.


The crowd at the federal building was thinning out, so we called Christi, my wifey, to find out what was
going on. She had a tough call to make this morning, since she works
for a struggling non-profit. After seeing the CHP looking grim in riot gear on the way in to the city, she decided
to go to work rather than risk a scary encounter with one of them.
Anyway, she told us that there was rubber bullets and tear gas being used
over at 7th and Market and that there was an officer down.
Tiffany and I walked over to see what was going on and so I could get
field recordings of it. I wore a pair of binaural mics in my ear all day,
recording to a sony minidisk. the minidisk is the bomb. I never have
brought my DAT recorder to a protest, even with the ghigher quality. I
don’t yet have a didigtal out for the disks yet, but anyway, we walked
over there.
there was some spray paint and a group of what looked like black-block
protesters. Thos are anarchists who wear black, spray paint and break
windows of war profiteers. they want to end capitalism. there were a
couple of folks sitting in the street, handcuffed, a lot of people milling
around and a whole lot of cops. chanting was sparse all day and the
afternoon crowd there at Market was nearly silent. Watching, waiting.
the cops outnumbered the crowd. while i was there, a whole bunch of CHP
showed up. The cops standing next to the sidewalk were the same cops I
saw that morning, only they looked tired, more grim and angry. A few
meters from me, they started arguing with some woman standing on the
sidewalk. they threw her to the ground and cuffed her. She was
screaming, that she wasn’t a protester, she was just standing there, she
didn’t do anything. As far as I could tell, they did pick her at random.
she was on the sidewalk, not blocking traffic. And they seemed to be using a lot of force. She was yelling that them, but dropping her to the pavement face first seemed to be excessive
Everyone was angry and the cops outnumbered us and seemed very determined.
At the noon rally, the protest organizers told us to go to the financial
district at 4:00 to block evening commute traffic. I think the cops were
going to open the street, damnit.

No sign of what we’d been told over the phone happening… yet. So we
went for a walk the other way. There was a crane picking up all the
cement grabage cans and putting them on a truck so that nobody could drag
them into the street and be chained to them anymore.


after sleeping less than an hour last night, I’mm too dern tired to block
commute traffic this evening. think I’ll do more stuff tomorrow instead,
after I write the music I need to write (deadlines….)

if you had an orange vest and some safety cones, you could cause traffic
havok, just going from intersection to intersection, coning it off. The
salvage yard in berkeley at 7th and ashby sells cones for like $1 each.
fyi. there’s also a movement to drive really slow. Drive slow, walk
slow, hold up traffic. the slow-moving protest actually was instrumental
in driving a dictator out of power, but i’m too tired to remember where.
Tiffany knows all about it though. Ask her.
anyway, i have 4 or 5 minidisks full of field recordings, but no digital
out anywhere on my recorder. la la la. need to get the recorder to dump
to my puter.

stop work to stop the war!

ummm… i guess it’s all happenning in SF, not oakland. oakland is sunnier to protest. the federal building this afterrnoon had lots of cops. one of them had some sort of gun thing he was messing with in his trunk. it was big and alarming looking.
i’m going to go right now lie down naked in the middle of university to protest and maybe sleep. why am i still awake at 4:00???


a general strike is an excellent method of protest, so i would like to
encourage everyone in the us who is oppossed to the war to call in sick
and not go to work. if you don’t believe that protesting is useful, ise
your sick day to read Legacy of Luna.

getting the “blue flue” is a great way to protest since you’re not going
to get fired (hopefully) for taking a sick day.

. . . i cannot sleep at all. if i get arrested, who can i get to walk my
dog? will i still be able to write music in time for sunday’s rehersal?