Remember Satire?

It used to be that if you put shopping bag handles on an image of a flag, you were mocking capitalism, but now it’s a patriotic-shopping campaign. It used to be that if you put the president’s name on a button that says, “You’re with me or with the enemy,” that you were mocking his tendencies towards autocracy. I hope this site is a joke, but if it’s not, folks, it’s time to flee the country. By the time it’s obvious that you need to flee right then, it’s too late. You have to get out before it’s 100% certain. The political discourse has shifted rightward to where it’s considered real politcal debate to suggest that the opposition be put in jail.
Will Bush win the elction in 2004? As far as you know. Did your electronic voting machine give you a reciept? Is there any kind of paper trail? Guess who owns the companies that make voting machines!

Field Recordings

Sounds of the peace protest on March 20th. Use a client that plays as it downloads. some of these files are large.

Total time is approx 74 minutes. There is some overlap. This is a very rough set of cuts, with mistakes and low-fi sounds, but it’s cool cuz it’s recorded with binaural mics, which means that if you listen with headphones, the stereo is awesome.

Valerie Solanas on War

The male’s normal method of compensation for not being female, namely, getting his Big Gun off, is grossly inadequate, as he gets it off only a very limitted number of times; so he gets it off on a really massive scale, and proves to the entire world that he’s a “Man.” Since he has no compassion or ability to empathize or identify, proving his manhood is worth an endless amount of mutilation and suffering, and an endless number of lives, including his own – his own life being worthless, he would rather go out in a blaze of glory than plod grimly on for fifty more years.

— The SCUM Manifesto
I’m not sure I’d apply her observation of males to all men, but they certainly do seem to apply to some folks with emotionally empty lives, that turn to things like cocaine, alchohol and imperialism to make themselves feel important.

My Day

So Protools wouldn’t startup, so I knew I had to call tech support before 3:00 on Fridays. So I called up and got the program so it would start-up. Then I knew I had to mail a check for my tuba before 4:00, so I walked Xena over to the mailbox a few blocks away and back and then had a discussion with the neighbor kid about how I cannot help her pirate a CD for her birthday tomorrow, because I have other things to do. Then I sit down in front of my computer and startup Protool (yay!) and hit “play” and it won’t. Hahaha. It starts, but it won’t play. I can’t call tech support again until Monday. I’m an idiot.

National Flute convention

I auditioned to play bass guitar at the national flute convention for the opening concert, and apparently I’ve been approved. whee! I’m going to Vegas! the band I’m playing with has mp3s on, here: this will definitely be an educational experience. She’s a master of extended technique on flute, which she mixes with her own unique vocal style.

Field Recordings

I’m using some of the five hours of field recordings I made at last thursday’s civil disobediance for the music for Aelita. Right now, I’m listening to the tape I made of the BLO. I’m not sure if I can use it, but I may post a link here, if I dump the Minidisc to my computer. It’s really… something.

New Cello Player

we found a new cello player. She’s a grad student at Mills. Now we just need to reschedule all the rehersals. I still need to write software for Aelita. I hate being this last minute. Next time, I’ll be on top of things. really.