Boycott Trump

Fortunately, as Trump names everything after himself, it’s relatively easy to figure out what things to boycott. His holdings in the UK are most limited to golf courses, but some international brands are also partnered with him. I’ve been writing them letters:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to ask that you end your business relationship with Donald Trump. As you may be aware, he has already been dropped by Macy’s, Univision and NBC for his racist remarks. I hope that your buisiness is soon added to that list.

Unfortunately, I’m afraid that I will be boycotting your products in the mean time. I hope that you sever your relationship soon.

Thank you for your time,
Charles Hutchins

You too can boycott:

Leave others in the comments!

The No Fly List

This is my letter to Rep. Barbara Lee regarding the No Fly List:

Dear Representative Lee,

I am writing because I believe the No Fly List is unconstitutional and should be eliminated. It deprives people of the right to move freely within the country without due process.

I have recently seen some Democrats, such as Bernie Sanders, arguing that some gun control legislation should be based on this list. While I would strongly back increased gun control, I think this is the wrong way to go about it. The No Fly List is secret and is not often subject to judicial review. The list itself is islamophobic. Indeed, the vast majority of shootings happen at the hands of angry, white, Christian men who are unlikely to ever appear on the No Fly List.

However, even if the No Fly List were not racist, and the ‘right’ people were put on it- in terms of people likely to engage in unlawful use of firearms- it would still deprive Americans of due process and, as such, my opposition is not solely because it is ineffective. I hope you are able to pass gun control laws that apply across the population and which do not rely on secret lists or skirt appropriate judicial oversight.

I have very high regard for your work as a representative for my district and very much appreciate all that you do. Thank you very much for your service and good luck in your bid to become vice chair.

Best Regards,
Charles Hutchins
Berkeley, CA

The House of Represenatives provides a handy tool for Finding your represenative via your zip code.

There is a staggering amount of racism being openly stated in the US. It’s vital that racist institutions be dismantled, rather than expanded. Recently, Donald Trump suggested that Muslims be barred from entering (or re-entering) the US. While this is obviously illegal and wrong, this exact scenario is already in place for many Muslims, based on secret criteria, in decisions made in secret panels. The No Fly List has stranded American citizens overseas, effectively preventing them from returning to their homes. President Trump could just expand this already unconstitutional program, which already lacks judicial oversight.

It is vital that Democrats prepare for the possibility of Trump being elected by removing tools that he could exploit to ignore the constitution and human rights. The rule of law must be restored as soon as possible to the Executive branch, secrecy must be stripped away and the executive must openly and visibly respect human rights and due process. While this is obviously the right thing to do no matter who is in office, handing a shadow government over to Trump would be a nightmare.

Brand New People

Around five years from now, a method is invented which allows saves the life of several infants who would have otherwise died during birth. However, they are born comatose. Doctors hope they will spontaneously awaken, but they do not. They are alive but unresponsive and unthinking for years. Their bodies mature and occasionally a researcher has a futile idea for how to wake them up. Years pass, until finally, 23 years on, a junior doctor has an idea that she gets permission to try on a patient.

This patient, in a coma from just before birth, 23 years ago, awakens. Eyes flutter open for the first time. A long-delayed wail reverberates down the care home corridor. Some newspapers offer the headline ‘Woman Awake After Spending her Entire Life in a Coma’. But is this right? Letters to the editor raise the question, ‘Is this patient, assigned female at birth, who menstruates, but has never participated in culture or had a sense of themselves until this morning: are they a woman?’

The doctor, eager to see if her cure works on others, awakens two additional patients: one assigned male at birth; one assigned female, but discovered years ago to have been born without a uterus. A local newspaper says, ‘Flush with success, Doctor X Awakens a Man and a Woman.’ Again, a debate debate on Comnet carries on: Are 23-year-olds who have been unconscious their whole life, who have never menstruated or had an erection – are they men and women?

Meanwhile, thanks to the therapy techniques developed over the next 30 years, the first patient is successfully learning to communicate and can now indicate words for generalised items, such as ‘food’ and for roles, such as ‘doctor’, ‘nurse’ and ‘therapist.’ The patient learns signs for ‘man’ and ‘woman’ and, after seemingly grasping the concept, constantly refers to themselves as a ‘man.’ The communication therapists first attribute this to the fumbles of a new learner, but the patient has a high degree of accuracy applying this to others. When the therapist tries to correct the patient, they shake their head in vigorous disagreement. ‘Man!’ they indicate, with increased forcefulness. ‘Man!’

Appeals to genitals do not sway the patient’s assertions. The medical staff at the care facility have a meeting to discuss this.

‘She can’t possibly know she’s transgender’, a few say, ‘she doesn’t have the life experience.’

Others argue, ‘We allow patient B to say he’s a man, without life experience. We allow patient C to say she’s a woman. They have even less experience than A does, who’s been awake six months longer.’

Feminist texts are consulted. Someone leaks a broad outline of the meeting to the national press. A scandal emerges. But all the while, Dr. X’s new method gradually awakens patients around the world, all 21-23 years old, but brand new people.

Composers of Colour and Music Tech

It seems to me to be the case that a lot of music tech books seem to lag a bit in noting the musical and technological contributions of people of colour. I’m looking for resources that address this and to make up for my knowledge deficit. One obvious location to search for and collect this kind of information is wikipedia.

Therefore, I will post here a list of wikipedia articles for composers of colour who work with music technology for free music, art music, experimental music, creative music or in other genres derived from jazz, classical, noise, etc.

I have a few goals in creating this list here, the most urgent of which is making sure my lectures this term are appropriately diverse. When this list is long enough, of course, I want to move it to wikipedia, but in the mean time, I will edit this list to add names to it as they come up. I will additionally create a second list of people who are not listed on wikipedia.

My starting point for these names is wikipedia itself. I will be going through the List of Composer of African Descent and reading the existing articles. As I go through them, I’ll also look at who these composers collaborated with and trying to discover if these collaborators also belong on the list. I will also go through this list of non-western composers to see who already has wikipedia articles and who needs them. I also intend to go through the lists of past Other Minds fellows. I suspect there may have been a lot of stuff in the 60’s and 70’s and so will be asking around composers I know who were working in that era.

Obviously, these starting points will leave many gaps and so I’d be really happy if this was a collaborative project. (Again, these are my very early working notes and I want to move this to wikipedia very shortly – as soon as I have around 40 names.) This could be a great project for a meetup or a project for students to write short articles for composers who are missing them. Note that the enforcement of wikipedia’s notability guidelines is sexist and racist in practice. Therefore, collaborations are more likely to resist the whitewashing of the site as editors can watch out for spurious deletions.

If you can see missing names, please leave a comment. Or, if this project already exists and I’ve just failed to find it, please do let me know.

Has an article

(this list has no moved to wikipedia:

Needs an article

Dreams of my Mother

Here are two dreams I had years ago, some months apart.

Shortly after she was diagnosed with cancer, I dreamt I was in my parents’s bedroom. My mother was stood outside her wardrobe, her suitcase open on the bed. She was putting things into it. Gently, slightly sadly, she told me she was packing for along trip and didn’t know if she would be coming back.

A month or so after she died, I dreamt I had run into her, in a farm yard. I hadn’t seen her for some time and was happy to see her there. We were making small talk, but I had a nagging feeling that something important had happened concerning her. I had forgotten something crucial to our exchange. Suddenly, as I neared waking, knowledge of the past few months returned to me. Surprised, I blurted out, ‘You’re not supposed to be here!’

‘Oh,’ she said agreeably, and walked around the corner of a barn out of sight.

‘Wait!’ I ran after her, turning the same corner, but she was gone, nowhere to be seen.

Vegan Yogurt Review: Silk


Silk soy products are the bog standard soy you find in America. All the big stores stock it. It is, as my brother likes to praise things, inoffensive. In a land where bland is king, silk reigns. And fair enough, as a good soy milk (if used as a replacement for dairy) should fade to the background.

Their soy yogurt is as competent as one would expect. It’s got a good texture and a yogurt tang. There is a background note of beanyness, which is surprising, as their soy milk completely lacks this.

This is the soy yogurt one is most likely to see, say, staying in a hotel or if one shops at Safeway. It does the job. Silk is as reliable as ever.

4/5 stars.

Vegan yoghurt reviews: coconut dream


I went to the Berkeley Bowl yesterday and bought many varieties of non dairy blueberry yogurt. I shall now review them.

Today’s yogurt was picked to start because it came open on the bag on the way home and needed to be eaten imminently.

It is a coconut base, which is at least as easy to perceive in taste as the blueberry. It lacks the normal tang of acidophilus flavour, but it does contain cultures.

The texture is a bit glue-y. Reading the label reveals that it was thickened with corn and tapioca starch, which probably caused this. The label says it is low fat, but the nothing in the ingredients list suggests that fat was removed from the coconut. I presume that the starches were used not as fat replacements, but just to get it to sit right on the spoon. Also, my experience of cooking with coconut milk-replacement is that it’s difficult to turn it into custard. Agar agar can help and maybe it would have been better to use that.

This is miles better than the fake yogurts i used to get 15 years ago, but as everything vegan has improved so much during that time, I feel this yogurt could also have gotten a bit better than it did. I’d feel pleased to see it on a hotel buffet or whatever, but it’s not the first one I would pick in the grocery store. I give it 4/10.

The future is a site where you can watch people write code live. Like write a text editor. Because this is what’s entertaining in the 21st century. It’s meant to be educational.

It is also apparently only men.

Breathing code is another public coding platform. Or a conference, rather. Or something that lost money.

FARM workshop on functional art, music, modeling and design was a success.

TopLap is or was a fun community. It needs more participation.

Computational literacy. Chris Hancock in 2003 wrote real-time programming and the big ideas of computational literacy. It emphasises experience. Real time code makes for real time interaction.

Here is a slide showing a continuum between bodies and theories. Live coding is somewhere in the middle. Action thinking with live coding.

What next?

Q: are performances meant to be an academic or  scientific exercise or how should it be curated?

Maybe instead of a conceptual frame work instead a description of the kind of output or environment?

For an academic conference, things should have some novelty.

Things could be partly open call and partly curated. Curators need to be somewhat neutral.

Dance music is interesting and can be rigorous, or is that even a valuable thing to aspire to?

Livecode.TV is not an open platform.  We could take live streaming out to the wild. Interact with normal people.

Which performances should be public?

What about other at forms?

Could there be some youth outreach in the next conference?

Kids algorave or some such

Algorave school dances

Trying to avoid product oriented output.


Collaboratively live coding SuperCollider through the cloud.

Remotely located synchronous interaction. People use Dagstuhl, Gibber, etc.

SuperCopair uses it allows you to remotely collaboratively edit a document. They used the pusher. com cloud service.

Pusher cloud service uses push data. Sending a character is avg 230ms from San Palo to Ann Arbor.

It is easy to setup. No sync in clock.

You can run code locally or globally or remotely (only).

They’ve added permission control.

Users tend to want to  collaboratively fix bugs.

This package is available in