This is just how I got it to work and should not be considered a definitive guide.
I started Jack via QJackCntrl and then booted the SuperCollider server.
I’ve got a drum machine connected via a MIDI cable to an m-audio fast track ultra.
This code is Making some noises:
( var ultra; MIDIClient.init; "init".postln;{|m, i| //m.postln; //;"Ultra").if({ ultra = MIDIOut(i); ultra.connect(0); i .postln; }); }); //u = ultra; Pbind( midinote, Pseq((36..53), inf), amp, 1, type, midi, midiout, ultra, chan, 1, foo, Pfunc({|e|"tick % %n".postf(e[chan], e[midinote])}), dur, 0.2 ).play )