Why define frameworks? It’s established practice in Human computer Interaction. Because it is useful for designing. they propose heuristics or interaction dimensions.
Existing frameworks have little use in practice. Also ‘interactive installations are often missing (i don’t understand this). Things are very complex and often arbitrary.
He’s showing some cool instruments/installations and aksing us to consider the player’s experience.
their framework is Musical INterface for User Experience Tracking – MINUET
focuses on player experience. it is a design process unfolding time. includes DMIs and interactive installations. (by which they mean they consider installations and notjust instruments)
Design goal: purpose of interactions. Design specification: how to fill objectives.
Design goals are about a high-level user story. Lie a playful experience, or to stimulate creativity, education etc.
Goals can be about people, activities or contexts.
contexts: musical style, physical environment, social environment.
case study: hexagon
An educational interface to train musical perception
they wanted to make it easy to master the iterface ut have a high ceiling for the educational bit.
It’s for tonal music….
speeding through the last slides
Maraije (sp) wants to know about player, participant and audience as three user types on a scale. More or less informed participants. she also wants to know about presentation, to teach people how to use the instrument or environment.
Interesting points!