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Nobody on the Right Actually Cares about Women Athletes

The Trump administration has moved to deny visas to trans athletes ahead of the 2028 Olympic Games. The US State Department does not have the right to dictate policy to international sports organisations. But what’s more, the way the memo is written does not limit the ban to athletes.

Most of the MAGA movement is openly hostile to women. They ended the right to abortion in the US. They are actively working to make it harder for women to vote. It defies reason that people who want to entirely shut women out of public life actually see any value in women’s sports. They don’t care about women athletes. But they do care about hurting trans people.

This rule change has serious implications for trans people’s freedom of movement. It labels trans people’s documentation as fraudulent, which also has serious implications for any interaction a trans person may have with the federal government. The purported target is foreign athletes, but the victims will overwhelmingly be trans Americans. The Trump administrations is using the Olympics as an excuse and a first step to seriously impacting the ability of trans people to exist.

The International Olympics Committee has yet to comment on this development. The latest thing on their website is an announcement of a sponsorship deal. This is certainly not what the sponsors signed up for. But Anheiser-Busch InBev, as the world’s largest brewer, has acquired this problem. They also have influence. I am therefore asking you to write to them. The form below gives suggested text. When you hit the “send” button, it will put the message into your email program. I will not collect or have access to your addresses.

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Published by

Charles Céleste Hutchins

Supercolliding since 2003

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