Rubik’s cube solving as performance. Sometimes the process of problem solving is the goal.
The classical theory of problem solving. States based search based problem solving. Problems have a starting state, a set of methods and a goal state. The method operators have pre-conditions, a transformation method, etc. There is a defined state space.
He is showing the Towers of Hanoi.
The problem state graph for the towers of Hanoi can be an interface for collaborative problem solving. The tree can be computed on the fly.
The graphs give you a shared representation.
To generate the missionaries and cannibals graph you use a two dimensional graph. This problem is problematic.
Blocks world problem graph has potential layout collisions.
R real world problems. It could be applied to climate change.
Co-solve controls collaborative problem solving. It has a lot of latency. By ticking up the atmosphere. This is some neoliberal bullocks. But it may have performance applications.
Q: what problem are live codes trying to solve?
A: trying to get people to dance, maybe.
Q: should a live coder think of a problem in advance?
A: formulation is difficult.