Pd runs inside unity game engine. It takes up almost no disk space.
Can attach scripts to an avatar’s feet to get pd-generated footsteps. This you don’t need a bunch of footstep samples.
A c# script send a floating point to KalimbaPd. So when the y position crosses a threshold, it sends a bang.
A receive object in pdGets the float or bang.
Kalimba let’s you look at the patch, but you can’t deploy it. Lib4pd costs money but can be deployed.
He’s shown an app with a leap motion that is a theremin.
Q. Is there an advantage to doing synthesis instead of samples?
A. Recordings of ambient sound might take hours of disk space.
Q. Are gamers happy with synthetic sounds?
A. Maybe.
Q. Do visual cues help with figuring out the semantic meaning of a sound FX?
A. Probably.
Q. How flexible is this?
A. As flexible as you want. Things can be half pure determined to focus on expressive parameters.