First, here’s my file:
CutMask : CutSynth { var bits,sr,bitadd,srmult; var synthid; //makes SynthDef for filter FX Synth *initClass { StartUp.add({{arg i; SynthDef.writeOnce("cutmaskchan"++((i+1).asSymbol),{ arg inbus=0, outbus=0, bits; var input, fx; input=,i+1); fx =, bits);,fx); }); }); }); } *new{arg bits=16,sr,bitadd=1,srmult=1; ^ ?? {Server.default.sampleRate/2}).srmult_(srmult); } setup { //tail of cutgroup synthid= cutgroup.server.nextNodeID; cutgroup.server.sendMsg(s_new, cutmaskchan++(cutgroup.numChannels.asSymbol), synthid, 1,cutgroup.fxgroup.nodeID,inbus,cutgroup.index,outbus,cutgroup.index, bits, bits); } //can't assume, individual free required for cut fx //synth should be freed automatically by group free free { cutgroup.server.sendMsg(n_free,synthid); } renderBlock {arg block,clock; var samprate,bitstart,bitarray,srarray, s; s= cutgroup.server; bitstart= bits.value(block); samprate= sr.value(block); srarray= Array.geom(block.cuts.size,samprate,srmult.value(block)); bitarray= Array.series(block.cuts.size,bitstart,bitadd.value(block)); bitarray= 0.5**((bitarray).max(2)-1);{arg cut,i; block.msgs[i].add([n_set, synthid,bits,bits]); }); //don't need to return block, updated by reference } }
What I did there: I took and did a saveAs Then I changed the name of the class to CutMask.
In initClass
I changed the synthdef name to cutmaskchan
I changed the arguments to the SynthDef
I put in my own code for the fx = line. That’s where the magic happens!
In new
I changed cutgroup.server.sendMsg to so it uses my synthdef name and my synthdef arguments
In renderBlock
I changed block.msgs[i].add( to have my synthdef arguments
since mine doesn’t change, I could skip sending anything, afaik