Christi told me that it would be good to include the first 8 minutes of Virtual Memory. I think that she doesn’t want to move to Los Angeles. What was I thinking when I recorded that? Bad day? Wanted to assult my listeners? I used to rename the file to new_britney_spears.mp3 and log on to Napster with it. Then I’d get on the napster top 40 chat rooms and tell folks that I had some brand new pre-release or something and try to get them to download it. The plan was that they would and then they wouldn’t bother deleting it, even though the ID3 tags revealed it to be me (and a url pointed at my web page). Then someone else would see that they had some new Britney song and download it. I deliberately misspelled her name. Anyway, this plan might have worked, except that it wasn’t an exerpt, it was a twenty minute long file and I think that Macster, the macintosh client, was messed up since nobody ever downloaded anything from em at all. and sometimes people would IM me wondering why they couldn’t get things from me. Anyway, this plan is an example of what used to be called “Guerilla Marketting.” Remeber that? Dot coms would assualt you with advertising crap, like spray painting their logos on the sidewalk and hiring people to march down the street protest-like holding signs with the name of your product on it. Something I worked on hired a flatbed truck to drive around rush hour with a billboard on the back. At the time, I worried that extra traffic in rush hour would just piss people off. Now I wonder why all the computer companies weren’t burned to the ground by angry mobs. Sheesh, the things that seemed normal then! Anyway, I think maybe I should go with Headerless Data or #2 instead of this exhausting, static, assaulting thing. Actually, I secretly suspect that playing it loudly may damage your speakers. Perhaps any volume. I have no data to back this up one way or the other. Actually, the mp3 has got to be safe. The original audio file that I just listened to tho, that’s questionable. I guess if I do use this, I should convert it to mp3 and then back. That would get the hard edges out of it, like playing guitar through a speaker or playing a recording of a guitar through a speaker. Anyway, if you have hated enemies, let me know and I’ll send you a CD of possibly speaker-unsafe audio and you can play it loudly through their stereo when they’re not home. (You may want to leave while you do this and evacuate any pets.)

Published by

Charles Céleste Hutchins

Supercolliding since 2003

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