Portfolio for Calarts

Not yet in order

(Many of these are on Mp3.com if you want to give feedback on the order, or whatever)

  • Airwaves #3 Composed in 2002 using a MOTM analog modular synthesize, a Midiverb II, and breathing.
  • Breaking Waves Composed in 2001 using a MOTM analog synthesizer and AudioCatalyst software. This piece was created by recording white noise to disk and then converting the AIFF file to MP3 and back again multiple times, resulting in aliasing that becomes more noticable with each re-conversion. It was released by IBOL Records on Random Spheres of Influence in 2001.
  • Virtual Memory Exerpt Composed in 2001 using Macintosh Virtual Memory with an AIFF header added, a Jomox AirBase drum machine and a Midiverb. Note: Only the first few minutes of Virtual Memory will be included in the exerpt.
  • Phase Composed in 2001 using a Future Retro 777 analog synthesizer. This piece was featured on the now-defunct Nonsequiter ezine.
  • Choral No. 1 Composed in 2000 using a MOTM analog modular synthesizer. This piece was played on German radio in 2001.
  • Drum Decay Composed in 2001 using Rebirth software and a custom Max application. This piece was composed using the type of feedback loop that Alvin Lucier used in I am Sitting in a Room. It has been featured in pirate and internet radio.
  • Chaos Patch Maybe? If you have feedback about whether you think this is a good piece or not when compared to the other things on the list, I’d like ot hear it. Composed in 2001 using a MOTM analog modular synthesizer. This piece was composed using analog chaos, so three oscilators were patched together in an FM loop. Is that clear? the output of one oscilator was going into the FM input of the next, whose output was going into the FM input of the next one, whose output was being recorded and going into the FM input of the first one. This creates mathematical type chaos. Very unpredictable. It was recorded and mixed in one night while awaiting returns from the state of Florida during the last presidential election.Should I include that note? The whole Florida thing is what made me thing of trying something with chaos in the first place. anyway, the technioque for recording this is unusual and demonstrates some knowledge of very obscure analog techniques that nobody tends ot use or care about and anyway… i should go listen to this one right now. should I use Bitter Day instead? the original title of “Bitter Day” was “Danica’s Lament”
  • (de)construction Composed in 1997 using a Moog analog modular synthesizer and field recordings. This was one of my first compositions, recorded while I was at Mills College. Most of the field recordings were recorded with a piezo microphone and processed using the Moog Fixed Filter Bank. This was my most popular piece on Mp3.com. Include that last note about popularity? People really like this one, but it’s very old. It worries me sometimes that I did my very best piece when I was just starting out. My theory is that it’s the Moog that makes people like it. Also, the sound of andra jumping on the bed came out really well in stereo. I should tell Andra that she was an anonymous mp3.com star.
  • No No Nonette (Printed Score) Composed in 2002-3 in responce to a Call for Scores issued by Jack Straw Productions in Seattle (see attached sheet), for a MIDI-controlled toy piano nonette. This score was selected and will be featured in Jack Straw’s New Media Gallery in February – April 2003.

Wow, this makes me look kind of successful… weird.

Published by

Charles Céleste Hutchins

Supercolliding since 2003

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