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11 May 2007
Stained glass window featuring St Joan of Arc
Possibly in Rilly sur Loire, France
«Jehanne la pucelle enlenu les premieres voir du Ciel»
"Joan the Maiden's first vision"
The three figures on the upper left are the three saints that she decribed as having visited her: On the top is St. Micheal the Arc Angel. On the left is St. Catherine of Alexandria and on the right is St Margret. Both women saints were virgins and martyrs.
The woman in the purple dress is Joan of Arc. She's so strartled that she's dropped the wool that she was spinning and it lies at her bare feet.
While she did brag of her skill at spinning wool and "the womanly arts," she emphasized that she was not a shepherd. Also, it's likely that her visions had not yet gained the shapes of these saints on the very first visit.
The bottom right of the window says "TOURS 1888"

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Photos by Celeste Hutchins
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